Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why Milk Sucks!!!!

So once and for all, milk and dairy sucks! If you want to do something for your health and your children's well being, cut the white poison. You will be amazed what a huge difference it will make.
I listed a few reasons on why, once and for all you should skip the Moo-juice!!!
1. Cows are not milk machines. After years of living in filthy conditions, being kept constantly pregnant, and being forced to produce 10 times more milk than they naturally would, dairy cows are slaughtered.
2. "Moo" is not your first language. Human babies are not calves, so why treat them like it? Humans are the only animals who drink breast milk after infancy and the only animals who drink milk from a different species. It makes as much sense for people to drink cow's milk as it would for dogs to drink giraffe's milk!
An activist sucks on the teats of 'Freeda the Cow' as part of Animal Liberation Victoria's 'Milk Sucks' campaign launch on February 9, 2007 in Melbourne, Australia.  The Demonstration is aimed at increasing the general awareness of how environmentally damaging dairy farming is, and how it affects the animals themselves.
4. Studies show that over 75 percent of the world's population is lactose-intolerant. Can you say abdominal cramps, bloating, and diarrhea? The reason for this, is a lack of the enzyme ‘lactase’ which is responsible for breaking down the lactose (a sugar in milk) in the digestive track.
5. Dairy is scary. There's more to that glass of milk than you think. Dairy products are commonly contaminated with blood, pus, pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics.
There's veal in your cereal. Milk fuels the cruel veal industry. Considered byproducts of the dairy industry, male calves are dragged away to veal crates when they are just hours old.
6. Milk is bad for your bones. Instead of preventing osteoporosis, milk is a big cause of it. Dairy is highly acidic and to bring your blood back into a alkaline or neutral balance, your body leeches calcium from your bones.
7. Milk does the planet bad. Bad for mother cows, milk production is also bad for Mother Earth; it's a disastrous source of water pollution. Just one dairy cow produces 120 pounds of waste every day—as much as two dozen people could produce—but with no toilets, sewers, or treatment plants.
8. The white stuff isn’t the right stuff. Milk is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of calves—who have four stomachs and gain an average of 115 kg in their first six months. It's crazy for humans to chug moo-juice, and you wonder why people are obese!!
9. No grain means lots of pain. Every glass of milk takes a meal away from the hungry. Crops that could be used to feed the hungry are instead used to feed dairy cows. It takes a huge amount of grain cycled through cows to produce a very small amount of milk.
10. If you haven't read the China Study yet, please put it on your ''must-read'' list. Devoid of fiber and complex carbohydrates but loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol, dairy products have been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.


Have a beautiful and save Labor Day weekend

Love and Cookies

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