Sweet lifestyle

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Be a People Builder

Ever thought about how harmful your words can be! One little harsh word or action can influence a person tremendously. Nobody likes to get criticized, you don't wanna be the victim of gossip. Gossip hurts and the tongue is a harsh tool.

What is we just all love each other!!!

How about the next time a friend or co-worker seems to have a rough day, you just tell them what a great job they are doing or what an amazing mom they are. Be a people builder, don't tear them down even more. Listen to what they have to say, give them a big hug and tell them that you love them.

If your spouse is stressed instead of making things worse, encourage him and tell him how proud you are of everything he has and will do in his life. Sugar always works better than salt!
It is easy to criticize, it is easy to moan and blow up, but it takes a big, whole person to swallow your pride and turn a shaky situation into a sunny one. Don't ruin your night over little things that don't matter.


Don't gossip, don't be in other peoples business. Your harsh words are dangerous and can do damage, you don't even know about and God will always remember if you don't change the way you treat your neighbor.
People that talk smack about others, are just very unhappy with their lives. Gossiping is jealousy!

How about we take all the energy we use for gossiping and use it to build people up. How about we are truly happy if other people are doing good, how about we give encouragement and offer our help if our brothers and sisters are in a dark place. Amazing things will happen if we are people builders!

You don't walk in someone else's shoes, you don't know what they are going through, why they act the way they act. How about you ask and listen before you open your mouth and judge!

Don't surround yourself with negative nay sayers and haters! Don't be in that environment, walk away from it, God will provide you with the right friends and people in your life, if you walk away from the wrong ones. People that love you will encourage you and will lift you up, wanting you to be better.

If you catch yourself talking bad, pray ask for forgiveness and be better. Be a blessing, stay busy building your own magical and beautiful life, that way you have no time to even worry about miserable gossip girls!!

Love and Cookies


Thursday, October 18, 2012


Look at who you really are, the authentic, true you. If no one else accepts you for who you truly are, at least you accept yourself. That is all you need, because, in the end, you are born alone and will die alone. There is no need to try to improve yourself to other people, but improve for yourself. We frustrate ourselves when we try to prove to others that we are deserving of their attention, love, kindness and respect. This is when we start compromising and adapting to our illusory patterns of ourselves. Instead simply say, This is who I am. Like me and respect me because I know myself. I honor myself and everyone else.

-Gary Null-

Powerful words and so true. Have you ever tried to be somebody else just because someone didn't accept the real you. Ever tried to change because you feel like you didn't quiet fit in?!
You know what, screw them, screw other people. Who actually says what is right or wrong?
Why are people so hung up on the typical American dream. Go to college, make money, get married, buy a big house. two cars and live happily ever after... Don't we all wanna live that dream? Not really!
People are more depressed than ever, 1 out of 10 Americans shows signs of depression. More than 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce, more than 42 percent of people are obese in this country and all over the western civilization.

What would you do if you had no fear and would just follow your heart. What if you would really listen to your inner voice and what it tells you, without any doubts or the little voice in your head telling you that you can't do it.
Maybe your goal is not to get rich and get married.!
Maybe you want to just be you and see where life takes you and live in the moment.
Why do people always wait for tomorrow or later until they can lose weight, go travel, find love or whatever else they think would make their lives perfect.How much time do we really waste just waiting for a better life.

Your life is now, you live now and you are perfect exactly as you are, right now.
We should constantly try to improve ourselves, just be a nice girl or a nice guy, treat people with respect and love, because at the end of the day, we are all equal, we are all the same. Just because you are richer or more beautiful doesn't make you anything special.
Your heart and your soul is what counts. That is who you are!!

Stop comparing yourself to the life of the rich, famous or people that seem to have it all. Because you know what, most of the time, they don't have it all. What goes on behind closed doors is sometimes far worse than you would have ever thought. You know when someone is truly happy and when someone is just pretending.

Wake up, we really do only live once, just in case nobody ever told you yet, your house, car, clothes, shoes and jewelry won't make you a happy person. And it doesn't define you neither.
I mean why do we all waste our times on jobs and in relationships that we can't stand. Because it is convenient, because it pays the bills. Really!? Pretty bad, isn't it. When you are 90 and you are in your rocking chair, what do you want to look back on! Do you really wanna have regrets.

So sad that in today's world we rather work to pay off a big mortgage, three cars and spend money on junk foods instead of spending time with our kids or just truly living. Who needs all that material crap!!! Ever shopped at thrift stores, they are pretty awesome and support a good cause 2.

For the people that still don't believe that it does matter what you eat. Do you really think that eating chemicals won't affect you. Do you think eating foods that have ingredients like bleach, wash detergent and many other scary additives won't have an affect on your mood. Are you not worth it to eat the best possible foods?! I think you are. enjoy your chocolate, but let it a good one not one that taste like it has been on the shelf for the last 5 years( Hershey's yuck!!).

It all comes back to loving yourself. If you truly, blissfully and honestly love yourself everything else will fall into place. You won't deal with people that treat you like crap. When you love you, you will give love to other people. When you love you, you will treat your body like it is your temple and not a garbage disposal, because you know you are worth it. You will go for your dreams, you will travel, open up your business, start a non-profit organisation, lose weight, exercise or leave the full of shit relationship you wasted to much time on already. You will always be a better mom, friend, wife, sister or daughter if you love yourself. The same goes for the guys by the way!!

Love doesn't need binge eating, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee or drugs to thrive. It just needs nurturing and acceptance. Your acceptance!

Love Tips

1.Begin your day with love (not technology). Remind yourself of your worthiness before getting out of bed. Breathe in love and breathe out love. Enfold yourself in light. Saturate your being in love.

 2. Take time to relax( meditate) and journal. Spend time focusing inward daily. Begin with 5 minutes of breathing and 5 minutes of journaling each morning. 

3. Talk yourself happy. Use affirmations to train your mind to become more positive Put a wrist band on your right wrist. When you’re participating in self-abuse of any form, move the band to your left wrist.

4. Get emotionally honest. Let of go of numbing your feelings. Shopping, eating, and drinking are examples of avoiding discomfort, sadness, and pain. Mindfully breathe your way through your feelings and emotions.

5. Expand your interests. Try something new. Learn a language. Go places you’ve never been. Do things you haven’t done before. You have a right to an awesome life.

6. Enjoy life enhancing activities. Find exercise you like. Discover real, healthy foods that are good for you. Turn off technology for a day and spend time doing things that make you feel alive.

7. Become willing to surrender. Breathe, relax, and let go. You can never see the whole picture. You don’t know what anything is for. Stop fighting against yourself by thinking and desiring people and events in your life should be different. God has a plan, just be excited and enjoy the journey.

8. Work on personal and spiritual development. Be willing to surrender and grow. Life is a journey. We are here to learn and love on a deeper level. Take penguin steps and life becomes difficult. One step at a time is enough to proceed forward.

9. Own your potential. Love yourself enough to believe in the limitless opportunities available to you. Take action and create a beautiful life for yourself.

10. Be patient with yourself. Let go of urgency and fear. Relax and transform striving into thriving. Trust in yourself, do good work, and the Universe will reward you.

11. Live in appreciation. Train your mind to be grateful. Appreciate your talents, beauty, and brilliance. Love your imperfect perfect self.

12. Be guided by your intuition. All answers come from within. Look for signs and pay attention to your gut feelings. You’ll hear two inner voices when you need to make a decision. The quiet voice is your higher self; the loud voice is your ego. Always go with the quieter voice.

13. Do what honors and respects you. Don’t participate in activities that bring you down. Don’t allow toxic people in your life. Love everyone, but be discerning on who you allow into your life.

14. Let the past go. Suffering comes from living in the pain of the past or the fear of the future. Put your attention on the present moment and be at peace.

15. Forgive yourself. Learn from your mistakes and go forward. The past is done and you can't change it. Move on.

16. Discover the power of fun. Self-love requires time to relax, play, and create face-to-face interaction with others. Our fast-paced world creates a goal setting, competitive craziness that doesn’t leave room for play. So go play and be a kid again. Who cares what other people think.

17. Be real. Speak up and speak out. Allow yourself to be seen, known, and heard. Get comfortable with intimacy. 

18. Focus on the positive. Go to your heart and dwell on and praise yourself for what you get right in all areas.

19. Become aware of self neglect and rejection. Become conscious of your choices. Ask yourself several times throughout the day, “Does this choice honor me?”

20. Imagine what your life would look like if you believed in your worth. Dedicate your life to loving you. Make it your main event.

21. Seek professional help. Self-rejection and neglect is painful. You deserve to be happy. You have a right to be accepted and loved. If necessary, seek help from a support group, counselor, or coach. It’s the best investment you can make.

Love and Cookies


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just Live a Little...

Happy Fall, I guess Summer is officially over.

I gotta say, I never paid so much attention to the beautiful colors of fall, the changing leaves and trees are sparkling in the sunshine and right now the weather in Chicago is perfect. I don't even mind the fall and that comes from a girl who loves 90 degree weather.

It is weird how many things changed for me in a year, last year around this time I was at a totally different stage in my life. 2012 is the first year I really realized what I want, what I love, who I am and that I actually have dreams that I can achieve.

Everything really happens for a reason! You gotta take life as it is and always be the best you can be, never make excuses and never have any regrets. You learn from your mistakes, just be better, a little better every day.

live a little, lifestyle
So when I say you gotta live a little, it is specific towards everyone who beat themselves up over stupid things that don't matter. Life is really to short, we are all getting older and time goes by so fast, we have to stop waisting our time with bullshit.
So what is bullshit?!

A bad relationship, a partner that doesn't treat you how you deserve to be treated.
A friend that is only there when he or she needs something, that is constantly complaining or always brings you in bad situations. Can't stand the drama anymore. Whatever the bullshit is in your life, get rid of it or change it!

Food can be bullshit too, especially if it has control over your life. You know how I am all about eating healthy and my vegan diet will never change. I believe that a plant based diet can save a lot of lives, it saves the animals, the planet and it makes you feel amazing.
But I am done being super restrictive on the way I eat. If I am out with friends and I wanna have a bite of some chocolate dessert, I will go for it, even if it contains dairy. And if there is a cookie that is full of sugar and maybe even egg I will still eat it sometimes.
Why?! Because it keeps me sane.
I have been fighting with this for a long time, and I am tired of beating myself up, if I eat something that is not vegan or perfectly healthy I will still be fine. Life is so short and it no fun if we get obsessed with the way we eat.

Yeah I might never have a six pack or I might never be a 100 % raw vegan nor vegan, but you know what  I don't care anymore, because it works for me. I would love the world to be vegan, but it is not and will never be, at least not in my lifetime. So as of right now, I still live in the real world, where we are surrounded by meat, dairy and eggs, sugar and lots of processed foods. Instead of me going crazy I just have a bite and that's that!

I will never go back to the way I used to eat, there is no way I could ever eat a SAD diet again, it is a big part of my life, it is what I do and who I am. It is one of my core believes, but I have friends and family that don't believe in the way I eat, but I love them more than anything. It is really hard for me to connect with some "Vegans". Don't get me wrong, I think it is amazing everything vegans do, just for the animals sake, but you know what though- I am not a hippie and I love fashion and make-up, traveling, movies and motorcycles, I love to dance all night long and get tipsy every once in a while.
Because you just gotta live a little! I can't change who I am and what I like, because of the way I eat.
My lifestyle alone won't keep me healthy-my happiness combined with beautiful plant foods will.

Just do whatever works for you, whatever diet, whatever lifestyle, your relationship, your life!
But be completely honest with yourself, listen to your thoughts and to your body. How does it make you feel, do you feel healthy, happy, at peace? Don't listen to anyone but yourself, take advice from trusted sources, I sure did and I will be forever thankful!

Our society has stupid standard on lifestyle and happiness, jobs, money, cars and houses. It doesn't matter what you do, who your with or not with, how old, small, big, rich or poor you are,all that matters is that YOU ARE HAPPY!!!
If you don't have your happiness, you have nothing.
Health is part of it, friends are, family is and love is. Money will never make you happy. Whatever makes you happy, find it and never let it go!!!

Love and Cookies


Thursday, September 20, 2012


I watched the documentary ''Eating'' the other day. Very informative and should be an absolute must see for every one, actually I think it should be the law to show it in schools, should be a part of our children's education.

Our government guidelines are ridiculous, our food pyramid is retarded. America trusts the government, they trust their doctors, they trust people they hear and see on TV. When it comes to nutrition, don't trust anyone but yourself! Do your own research and please use your big brain. Think, use common sense.

The ''disease prevention'' pyramid

Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Diseases were almost non existing until the 1900. Everything started with processed foods and a diet high in animal protein . And even then, these diseases were found among rich people, that could afford meat and 'foods' that was produced in a factory. Clogged arteries are already developing in school children nowadays and people still wanna tell me, that it has nothing to do with the way we eat!!

You are brainwashed that you need meat and dairy, freaking brainwashed! Yes, our ancestors were hunters and they did kill and eat animals, but maybe once or twice a year. Not for breakfast, lunch and dinner...but were do you get your protein!!! Did you ever hear of a protein deficiency? No, me neither! You have to be very undernourished and starving to be ''low on amino acids''. Protein is build from amino acids, and 9 of them are essential, meaning you have to get them through your food. There is so much protein in plants, that you will never have a problem meeting your daily requirements and it is also easier to break down and digest. Just because the chicken breast says 20g of protein, doesn't mean you will absorb it.

Cholesterol is in animal products and only in animal products, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, stop eating animal! Fish and chicken are not better choices. Chicken breast contains 126 mg of cholesterol in a medium serving, salmon 116 mg and beef 127 mg. Not really a big difference. BTW where do you think does the salmon gets its omega 3's from? The sea vegetables the fish consumes. You are better of eating nori, dulse, flax, chia seeds and walnuts and you don't have to worry about high mercury and toxic waste poison.

Animal products are literally killing thousands of Americans and other populations around the world. I guess that is the way the animals fight back. We torture and kill them and in return they kill us! How ironic!How can you eat animals and call yourself an animal lover. Who says that your pets life is worth more than the pig you eat? I am sure you wouldn't eat your dog, well people in China do and in India a cow is a holy animal that cannot be harmed. Animals are highly intelligent creatures, they give us their trust and we break it, over and over again.

When people adopt animal-based diets, heart disease and cancers suddenly become peoples biggest killers.It is happening all over the world, in countries like China and Japan where people used to thrive on a plant based diet. When they are replacing their rice and veggies with Mc Donald's diseases are spreading like wildfires.

Animal based diets deprive the body of oxygen. Deprive the heart of oxygen-you will get a heart attack. Deprive the brain of oxygen-you get a stroke.Deprive the blood of oxygen-you will get cancer.

Heart disease, diabetes and cancer are preventable. We don't need a cure, we need prevention. Every adult has cancer cells in his body, at sometime in their life. There is nothing we can do about it, but we can do something about how our immune system reacts to it! Our immune system is our cure for cancer. If the storm comes and it will, what will your house be made out off? Our immune system is a fighter, just how it can fight off a cold it can fight off cancer cells, but you have to provide it with strong building blocks. Green leafy vegetables, fruits, veggie juices, legumes and grains are gonna make you strong and turn your immune system into a fighting machine. The cure for cancer is strengthening your immune system by changing to a plant based diet. Your medicine is found in your grocery store, garden and farmers market.

Raising animals for food, kills and destroys our environment. Would you ever open your refrigerator, pull out 16 plates of pasta, toss 15 in the trash, and then eat just one plate of food? How about leveling 55 square feet of rain forest for a single meal or dumping 2,400 gallons of water down the drain? Of course you wouldn't. But if you're eating chicken, fish, turkey, cow, milk or egg that's what you're doing—wasting resources and destroying our environment.

Stop being ignorant just because you love meat!!! If we want a future for our children, the way we eat needs to be changed.

Love and Cookies


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Brain over Binge

Happy Thursday everyone, hope you are all having a great week so far, enjoying life and the last sunny days in Chicago! I am sucking the sunshine in until the last one disappears for the next long couple of month.

I have been reading the book ''Brain over Binge'' by Kathryn Hansen. I thought I have a lot of knowledge, when it comes to the topic of bulimia, but I was impressed and very intrigued on how she looks at the vicious cycle of binging and purging.


Kathryn is a ''recovered'' bulimic herself and describes in detail her unconventional approach to recovery. She offers a very unconventional perspective to the canvas of eating disorders, meaning she doubts therapy and that binge eating and/or bulimia is more about self-control and free will.

When young girls and women develop and eating disorder,they are usually send to therapy.In conventional therapy, they are told that binging and purging has to do with deep issues. Experiences in their past or present that they haven't coped with. From the beginning on, eating disorder patients have to resolve their problems and emotional feelings to get in control of the disease.Eating until you are sugar drunk and purging because you feel guilty are signs that you want to shut out the real world and always have to do with deeper issues! Really?! Bulimia, Anorexia and other eating disorders are looked at as a disease. But is it really a disease? Do we really have no control over if we want to stuff ourselves until we feel sick and numb? Are our lives suddenly, magically improving and problems fade away, because we are not binge eating anymore?

I can speak from my own experience that sometimes you make excuses for binge eating! ''I had a tough day'', ''That idiot doesn't get me'', ''I am bored", ''It is OK to binge, as long as you get back on track''. The last statement is something you hear a lot in therapy. You will have setbacks, but it is important to keep on fighting.I get it, but for how many years are you supposed to have setbacks, how many excuses can you make?!
Just to be clear, I do not want to offend anyone, I know that struggling with an eating disorder is an awful, time and life consuming thing.
But do we really have no control!!!!!????

As Kathryn states in her book, most eating disorders start in teenage years, most of them are girls. Our society puts pressure on us, especially on young women, how to look a certain way, skinny equals perfect. We all know how influenced we can get when we are teenagers. For some it might be cigarettes, for some alcohol and for others it is the wish to be skinny. You probably just have to go into a class of High School students, and I can guaranty you, that a big topic under girls is diet and how to lose weight.

Maybe that is why bulimia and binge eating develops! When we starve our body, sooner or later our brain is gonna go crazy. Our brain and body doesn't know that we live in the time of food abundance, and that there is always plenty of it available. There is a part of our brain, the subcortex, the animal brain, that just wants to watch out for us. It is wired to tell you to get as much food as possible, if you starve yourself over a period of time. Meaning if you deprive yourself of food and nutrients, you will have the urge to binge tons of unhealthy, fatty, sugary foods. A long time ago, people sometimes stuffed themselves, because they didn't know when food would be available again. Today, at least in the western world, we do not have to worry about that! Your animal brain just wants to prevent you from starving.It is like a defense mechanism.

The human part of your brain, the prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that has the power. Free will, self-control and self-reliance . It has the power to control your actions. No matter what thoughts, feelings or cravings the animal brain generates automatically, the human brain can choose the action. Nobody forces you to binge! Just like nobody forces anybody to pull the trigger..

Is binge eating a habit? It might be, a very bad one too. Are you always binge eating in the same situations. When you are alone, bored, or when you are stressed.
Are these triggers just excuses to binge? Do you feel better after?

In therapy you learn that something is wrong with you, meaning you had a dysfunctional childhood, if you have an eating disorder I guess you could waste your whole life figuring out who to blame. I think we all had some issues growing up, some more some less. Our parents can only do their best. We cannot blame binge eating and bulimia on our parents, ex-lovers, friends or teachers. We have self control and if we forgot how to use it, it is time to get it back.

Like all habits, we have to relearn how to change them. But if we really separate ourselves from the part of our brain that wants to binge, because it is used to doing it for so many years, maybe bulimia is not a disease. A bulimic binges and if the binging is non existing, the purging will stop automatically. No binge, no purge, no bulimia! If we assure our animal brain, that there will always be enough to eat, maybe after a while it will trust us again and the urges will go away. I am not surprised our bodies and brains are so messed up, by the way we treat them.

I personally think, that Kathryn's book is a refreshing take on bulimia and binge eating. It is empowering, knowing that you and only you can change yourself for the better. You are in total control of yourself. Stop being a victim, stop trying to run away from your life. Your life is your responsibility and your choice!

Love and Cookies


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Serenity, Courage, Wisdom

I am writing this post on behalf of my beautiful, amazing, smart friend Angie! I am so thankful every day,that she was send into my life. Love ya Girl!!!

God gave me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change,
Courage to change the things I can
and Wisdom to know the difference.

This little prayer is my life, the words I live by. It makes perfect sense to me, I guess that is why I have it tattooed on my spine. Serenity-Courage-Wisdom.

I believe in staying peaceful and calm, happy with yourself and always trying to look at the big picture in life. There will always be situations and people in your life that will shake you, make you mad and angry. It will try to break you, make you act foolish and bitter. It will bring you to tears and makes you wanna fight with your fists, it will break you down and will try to defeat you. Never ever let the devil get a foothold and never ever let the sun go down and go to bed angry.

No matter what an amazing person you are, even bad things happen to good people. Big situations like getting really sick or a family member dying and smaller things like a car breaking down or a break -up. The question is- How do you handle it?! Are you going to give up, and let it defeat you or are you going to wipe your tears, get up and fight for what you believe in. Don't ever underestimate the power of your mind. It all starts with the thoughts you have and that you truly believe that you can do it. You know how I always say, ''You are what you eat''! Well, you are what you think, just as much, if not even more. Our mind and our thoughts control everything.

Life is like a rollercoaster, we have good times and bad times. How will we ever be able to appreciate the good times, if we never experience the bad.

I want everybody to remember that there is a reason for everything in life, every breath you take, every move you make( that sounds like a song, hello Sting and The Police ), is meant for something great. You are meant for something great. God put you on this earth to fulfill your purpose. He knows your story, your weaknesses and strenghts, he knows every thought before you do and he gave you the amazing ability to fight for what you believe in and stand your ground no matter what!

Now I don't care if you believe in God, Buddha, Alla or just a higher power. But I care that you have faith! When hardship will hit you, and it will, you have to pray, believe and never give up hope that good times will come. There is a lesson behind every bad time and you will only come out stronger. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, is reality!

I believe that God only gives you as much as you can carry.Some people are meant to carry more hardships than others. Some people are born with stronger spirits and they still always get back up, no matter how hard life hits them. This too shall pass! Another wise quote. Life is too beautiful to give up on it, life is too precious not to live your dreams, life is too much fun not to giggle, laugh and be silly until your tummy hurts.
Life is too short for tears, pain and haters. Life is too short for superficial things and mean, angry people. Life is too short to compare yourself to others.

We all have our talents, we are all unique in our own way. Nobody will ever know everything. Even though I wish I could(-:
Don't compare yourself to other people, you don't know their stories. You don't walk in their shoes. If we would put all the problems of the world on one pile, we would fight to get our own back! Appreciate your blessings every day and learn from your mistakes.

Don't let anybody ever tell you, what to do, how to look, what to say and how to act. Listen to your inner guide, your strenght. It is your life, take in every second, losen up and go for it.

Love and Cookies


Friday, July 27, 2012

Rock Climbing-killer workout

Rock climbing was on my bucket list for a while and I finally did it. I gotta tell you, to get over my fear of heights and pushing myself like that..I am really proud. I can hardly type, that is how sore my arms and hands are..Love it!

Rock climbing

People enjoy the benefits of rock climbing everyday. Some like the vigorous full-body workout, others like the exercise and community at their local gym or crag, and others are competitors who train year round for accomplishment and victory.
Getting and staying in shape is a huge rock climbing benefit. You can develop…
  • dynamic muscle strength
  • flexibility
  • balance
  • coordination
  • mental and physical focus

Benefits of Rock Climbing

One of the great benefits of rock climbing is the fun and joy it brings. Climbing is challenging and taking on the challenge can be very rewarding. Working up a good sweat and having fun with your friends. You can't beat that.

The physical benefits of rock climbing are plentiful. Rock climbing does not only stick to one set of muscles and because of this, climbers often end up with bodies that are toned all over and look healthy. Instead of the same old environment of the gym, rock climbing can create more challenges.

Another very important aspect of rock climbing is the community.
While there are bonds that form while people work out at a gym, they are often not as deep and sincere as those formed with climbing partners. Since you will most likely be belayed by someone from this community, you are basically trusting them with your life. Talking about a life partner!!This kind of bond is very strong and can lead to strong friendships and even romantic relationships. Maybe I will find my next Lover while I trust him with my life..that would be a story!
Climbers tend to be very friendly and open people, so it is relatively easy to make friends within the community even if they don't start out as your climbing partners.

An extremely rewarding benefit of rock climbing is that it can lead to better moods and more self-confidence. Someone that has just finished a route or even just climbed up that wall at the gym, that they had been working on for a week is often infected with a smile. This smile, in turn, affects the mood of those around this climber and as a result, everyone's mood improves. The feeling of achieving is huge. Yes you can be proud of yourself, I sure was!!.
Maybe you just did one more pull-up than before. Or figured out a technique that can help you in the future. Or maybe you just talked to that climber guy that you've been wondering about for the past week. Regardless, you often walk away with a feeling of success and accomplishment after a climbing day, like a couple of hours isn't enough.

Primary muscles used for rock climbing


The five major forearm muscles: brachioradialis, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus and flexor carpi ulnaris all get a major workout anytime someone climbes a mountain. Since the muscles in the fingers themselves are very tiny and hard to exercise, the strength it takes to hold you onto the face of a rock are found in the forearm. For this reason, many climbers strengthen their forearms by completing hand exercises. Squeezing a grip bar or small ball several times in the hand will ultimately improve hand, wrist and forearm strength, increasing your endurance and allowing you to stay hugged against the wall tightly.
Upper Arms
The ability for a climber to hang by the arm or pull themselves up by the arm when a footing is too small comes mostly from the upper arms and shoulders. These muscles include the bicep in the front of the arm, the triceps behind the arm and the deltoid that wraps around the shoulder. To increase strength in these muscles, many climbers do repetitions of pull-ups.


While climbing most certainly does take arm strength, the real strength comes from the legs. Climbers do not use their arms to lift their bodies; the arms are used predominately to stay tight against the mountain. To move up a rock face a climber must use her quadriceps muscles, found in the front of the thighs. Strong quadriceps allows a climber to step up from any precarious angle. Strengthen the quadriceps by doing squats and always taking the stairs, two steps at a time, instead of an elevator.

Calf Muscles

The muscles in the calves, although used less to help a climber step up than the quadriceps, also play a crucial part in climbing. When a wall's face has small nooks and crevices, the calf muscles are what aid you to keep your toe against the wall when only the smallest bit will fit. When it comes time to move upward, it is the calf muscles that allow you to rise to your tip-toes to get a better reach. For the fastest way to increase calf strength, simply rise to the ball of your feet and lower back down several times while standing. It will not be long before you feel the burn. Alternate patterns with feet parallel to each other then turned out. This will change, slightly, the muscles being engaged making you a more well-rounded climber.

Love and Cookies


Friday, May 25, 2012

Choosing ''Me'' before ''We''

Wow I am super excited-will be going to Vegas over the weekend!
Fun, Sun and no worries and you know what they say, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!

Not that I have anything to hide..

This post is for all my girlfriends and women who should never settle for less, no matter what!!!!

I want to talk a little bit about women and relationships.
Women are pretty obsessed about relationships and about finding ''The One''.

Our society puts a lot of pressure on us, to find the right guy by a certain age, the quicker the better, get married, have children and live happily ever after! Oh the fairytale about living happily ever after.

Movies, books and fairytales have really done a job on us! So many little girls dream about ''Prince Charming'' coming to rescue them from the bad world- so they can run of and have a happy life until death do them part! Nobody ever told them that there might be some big battles on the way to happily ever after, that love can not conquer it all and that a man can never rescue them from themselves.

So, what is the most important thing, before anything! You have to love yourself! Really love yourself. Be in love with yourself, build the life that you ever dreamed of, accept yourself with all your flaws and imperfections and know that you will never be able to attract a healthy, strong man and have a fulfilling relationship if you are not truly happy. Misery loves company! Why do we all fall for men that are straight up crazy, disrespectful and full of it- because we think it is better to have that kind of man, than no man at all and feeling
Really-wake up princess, life is to short to spend years in misery with a man who will never give you what you truly deserve.

It all starts with self love and knowing what you want in life and in a man. You should have your core values in place! Core values???Yes, you should really know what you want in a man, and I am not talking about tall, dark and handsome kind of values.They suck and won't get you anywhere past the bedroom..
Does he have to be respectful and family oriented? Would you like to travel the world with him?
Should he always have a positive outlook on life?
No matter what it is, write it down, read it out loud, everything and stick to it. You don't believe that the perfect guy for you exists? Get over yourself, because if you don't you will only end up in a lousy, misery relationship that will end up in heartbreak sooner or later.If you belive that you can only get losers, that is what you will end up with. Don't settle, you deserve only the best!

Oh and stop worrying about if the next guy might be ''Mr Right", just enjoy the right now, who cares if you will marry him or not, all that matters is that it feels right, RIGHT NOW!

Go on with your life, never make a man your life, especially if you are not married to him. Have fun dating, doing you, experiencing everything the world has to over. Make guys part of your life, but don't make your happiness depend on them. One more thing-please don't have sex with any man that comes along, you are worth more than that Ladies!! You are precious in every way, don't just give it away-it is usually not worth it.

I really want to tell all the beautiful, amazing, strong and independent women out there, that you don't need a man in your life to be whole! You do not need anybody to complete you! You need to complete yourself.What is going to happen if that person will be out of your life? You will only be half a human- I don't think so.''You Complete Me'' is BS.

Focus on YOU-YOUR LIFE, passion, friends, family, carrier, be compassionate, give back, have fun, go out, travel, meet people, pray, laugh, cry, date, do whatever you want to do and whatever makes you truly happy.

But be completely honest with yourself, really listen to your gut feeling, your inner guide, the voice that comes from deep within. Don't push that feeling away! There is a reason why GOD gave us our inner guidance-the next time you have it follow it, because there is a big reason for it.
I wish I would have followed my inner voice a lot sooner!

The right man will come when the time is right, when you are truly happy with your own life, when you feel complete and usually when you don't expect it. If you are your own best friend, your own lover and your own spirit you will attract amazing people that will enrich your life and join you in this crazy journey called life.

Love and Cookies


Friday, May 18, 2012



I know I have been a little ''write lazy'' lately, so until then I have to share this funny and so true post!

Drama sucks.
Not “dramas” as in movies, TV shows, plays, etc that are serious in tone, but rather “drama” as in the petty ridiculous conflicts that get blown way out of proportion for no reason at all.
Urban Dictionary has my favorite definition of this kind of drama: “making a big deal over something unnecessarily.”
We’d like to believe that petty social drama ends the day we leave high school, but sadly, this is not the case. No matter how old they are, people can still find ways of adding unnecessary conflict to their relationships, be they at work, at home, or with friends.
This is truly a shame, because drama increases stress, ruins relationships, and eats away at that one precious commodity none of us can afford to waste: time.
If you want to stress less, have better relationships, and make the most of the limited time you have on earth, I would highly suggest you eliminate as much of the drama from your life as you can. Here are 5 things you can do to live “drama free”:

Make No Assumptions
Assumptions are where drama starts. Somebody does something that bothers you, and then you run off and start making assumptions about why they did it.
What you observe someone doing is fact. If that bother you, then you need to deal with it. The moment you start making assumptions about their reasons, motives, or inner dialog is the moment you move out of the realm of rational thought and into the world of unnecessary stress

You have no way of truly knowing what a person is thinking or why they do the things they do. Catch yourself when you start making those assumptions; if you want to live drama free, let those assumptions go and simply resolve to deal with the observable behavior.

Don’t Believe the Grapevine
Problems tend to increase exponentially with each additional person who is added to the communication chain. If I hear you say something, I can be pretty sure of what I heard. If Sandy tells me that John told Jane that Steve heard Sheila say something, chances are that the story you are hearing bears little resemblance to the actual truth.
Each additional person alters the story to some degree. They may remember things differently. They may add in emotion of verbiage that wasn’t there before. They may just be flat out wrong.
If you hear something through the grapevine, it might be worth investigating. But if you work yourself up into a lather based on third, fourth, and fifth party

communication, then you are just feeding the drama monster.
Don’t get sucked into this. Skip the grapevine and go straight for the horse’s mouth. It will save time and cut the drama factor way down…

Be Direct
Drama is simply a byproduct of people’s inability to communicate like logical, rational adults. This is why it is so prevalent in highs school. This is also why it should be 100% unacceptable in the adult world.
If you have a problem with someone, talk to them about it. If you believe that someone has a problem with you, talk to them about it. Direct conversations nip drama in the bud. This is not to say that direct conversations make all problems go away, but they will help you cut through the nonsense and deal with the real issue.
Relationship challenges begin and are compounded by passive aggressive behavior and indirect communication. If you want to cut out the drama, be willing to have those “crucial conversations.”

Be the Bigger Person
Fighting fire with fire is good if you are trying to control a raging wilderness inferno. It’s not so good if you are trying to eliminate needless petty conflicts from your life.
When you find yourself the victim of some small offense, your first instinct may be to respond in kind. While this may feel good for a moment, it usually just escalates the situation and makes everything worse. If you truly want to live drama free, then you need to be willing to be the bigger person and let things go.
You don’t need to get in the last word, you don’t need to “one up” the other person, and you certainly don’t need to make them pay for wronging you. Just let it go, and watch the drama flow away.

Avoid Drama Queens
After you have made sure that you are not creating the drama yourself, the best way to keep your life drama free is to eliminate the drama queens

(or kings!) from your life.
This is easy when you meet new people or are dealing with someone you aren’t very close to. Once you realize they are “drama prone,” minimize (or if you can, eliminate) the interactions you have with them.
With people you are close to, have a long history with,

or are related to, or who are genuinely good people who’s one major flaw is their tendency to make a big deal over nothing, you don’t have to cut them out of your life altogether. Just acknowledge that quality about them and, when they start acting up, don’t get sucked into their “drama vortex.”
We are functions of our environment. To live drama free, get as many drama creators out of your life as possible.
You may never be able to eliminate all the drama from your life, but with just a little bit of focus and discipline you can certainly minimize how much you have in your life. It’s well worth doing – the less drama you have in your life, the room you have for fun, joy and great relationships!
Avish Parashar is the Motivational Smart Ass. As a speaker and on his blog, Avish makes people laugh while sharing with them simple ideas to make their lives easier and more successful.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Nobody is perfect!

Yeah it is Friday!!!Finally, just gotta love the weekend!
I am writing this post today because of my own sake.
I struggle with my diet! Yes, even I struggle with my diet. Stress really got me lately and it is affecting my mind and my body.
I know it is all about practicing what you preach, but even I fall of the healthy eating wagon
Do I turn into a meat eating, ice cream scarfing monster-No!
Do I eat way to much sugar and processed foods- Yes! Do I feel bad after-Yes!

There is a very thin line between eating healthy and wanting to be perfect, pure super healthy and never allowing yourself any treats. Most of the time the treats are not as bad, as the guilt and the stress you put on your body because you ate some sugary or fatty food. And the all or nothing thinking after you had the second cookie '' Oh f...it now I already messed up, so I might as well binge and feel depressed the whole day.''

Eating a whole foods vegan diet really helped me to get my binge- emotional eating under control, but I still sometimes turn to food when I don't want to deal with my feelings. What is eating you?

Food is a complicated subject- sometimes we can't live with it but we can't live without it. Every cell in our body depends on food as nourishment, we need food to survive! We can't just cut it out like alcohol or cigarettes.

So what should you do, if you binge and feel like blowing your diet, being depressed and hating yourself? You have to get back up, get back on track, every minute of your life you have the choice to make the decision that you want. Throw the junk in the garbage or better don't even buy it-remember you body is not a garbage disposal, so don't finish the last slice of the pizza, just because you don't want to waste it.
Take a deep breath, go for a walk or take a shower if you have to get away from the situation. Write in your journal, pray or exercise. Deal with what is making you stuff your face! Just remember it is OK to mess us as long as you get back up.


I believe that a plant based whole foods diet is the right way to eat, but if a piece of vegan chocolate once a week keeps you sane and prevents you from turning into a crazy 10000 calorie binge eating maniac, please eat it.
There is nothing as bad as feeling like a total failure after you ate some not so perfect food.
You really have to figure out what works for you, don't get hung up on any kind of diet, eat as many vegetables, fruits and whole grains ( quinoa, millet, oats ) as you can and treat yourself once in a while. Don't let food control your life!! Life is to short and there are people out there that have real issues-food should not have the power over you.

The healthier you eat, the more your taste buds will change and the more fresh unprocessed foods you will crave, but if the Cookie-Monster talks to you every once in a while, please feed it. A little sugar does less harm to your body than a depressed soul does!

Have a beautiful weekend.

Love and Cookies


Monday, April 16, 2012

Walk Away-Forgive-Move On

Hello to all of you Beautiful People!

How was your Easter-yeah I know it has already been a week, just wanted to make sure you guys didn't eat to many chocolate Easter eggs(-; but I guess, there are always exceptions to the rule.

My exception was my Birthday weekend, I had such a blast with my friends, we had yummy Thai food and a great all night out in Chicago! Girls we need to do that more often(-;

Anyway, I wanted to talk about something that is really important to your health and your overall well being.
Things, people or whatever you want to call it, that are out of your control. Some events in our lives are just not in our hands. Sometimes we can plan, pray, hope and do all the right things, but if the universe has a different plan for us, we can cry, scream and punch as much as we want to, some things will never change. Some people will never change!

There are number of instances in life when people hurt us, either with their actions or with their words. There may be times when they did not really mean it, but it just happened that you perceived them in a different way.However, there are certain people who seem to be out there with a mission to make your life miserable. They will do everything possible to make you feel bad, they will criticize you, humiliate you, abuse you and what not!

It has nothing to do with you, they just don't know any better, and you are not the one that is going to change their behaviour! Don't stick around to see if you are the ONE that can transform a person. Every single person should change for one reason only and that is for themselves! If your husband, friend, mom, brother or whoever else constantly hurts and makes you feel miserable with their actions WALK AWAY!
Now I am not saying that you should just give up on people that you care about, as soon as there is a problem, but if you struggled for years and somebody you love keeps on treating you like garbage-WALK AWAY-FORGIVE AND MOVE ON!

You will only hurt yourself if you stick around- so get out and the most important thing is FORGIVENESS.
The only person being hurt if you don't forgive is YOU. Holding negative feelings against someone and never forgiving them causes you to become negative. This single event leads to a shift in your way of thinking. You might become pessimistic and feel like everyone else is out to get you. You might build a wall so nobody else can get close enough to hurt you again.

The most important reason you should forgive is to allow the healing process to begin. When you are finally able to release what happened in the past and make amends with that person within yourself, you will be able to finally move forward in your own life. You’ll feel as though a huge weight and burden has been lifted from your shoulders.

Being big enough to forgive someone for something bad that has happened isn’t for them. Forgiveness is for you.

Love and Cookies


P90X-what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

I hope everybody has a beautiful and peaceful weekend.
The weather is so beautiful in Chicago, the temperature is up and the mood is lifted. The winter jackets are banned in the back of the closet and the tank top and skirts are coming out.It is time to get in shape for bikini season! Well, that shouldn't be the only reason why you might want to pump up your workout.

There is almost nothing as rewarding as the feeling after an amazing workout, even if you had a sucky workout, no matter what you do, it is always better than no workout at all!

Since three weeks, my workouts consist of P90X. I have done it before but I have never completed the full 90 days yet. But this time there are no more excuses!
And let me tell you it works.!!!!It kicks your butt and leaves you drenched in sweat, oh and not to forget you will wake up with sore muscles for a long time.
The P90X workouts rock!

I love that I am able to workout in my P J's, first thing in the morning, and don't have to worry about driving to the gym or getting all dolled up for a sweat session.
Every day there is a different workout, legs, back, shoulders and arms, cardio, yoga, plyometrics and so much more. You won't get bored doing the same thing all the time.
Your body won't hit a plateau and will get challenged over and over again, with amazing results.
An hour a day can transform your body from average to ripped and lean in 90 days.

Is it easy, Hell No! Is it worth it, Oh Yes, you will feel like a different person!

It is a challenge to finish and press play every day, but the way you feel after you have completed any P90X workout is worth any pain. You feel stronger everyday, you are more durable and more flexible.

As important as the workouts are, without the right nutrition you won't get the results you want! Always remember it is 80% what you put into your body and 20% that you work out!
Garbage in, garbage out.
You will never be able to out work a bad diet!
I never followed the P90X nutrition plan because it is very animal protein based. But there are substitutions available. I know that the new P90X 2 comes with a vegan nutrition plan.

I like to follow Brendan Braziers Thrive diet.Brendan is a former Iron man and Triathlete. His diet is based on nutrient rich foods, like greens, veggies, fruit, nuts and seeds. He follows a high raw vegan diet, for maximum performance and quick recovery. I love his approach and it works for me!

If you really want to get in shape and live a healthy and happy life, try P90X and follow a plant based whole foods diet! Be amazed what your body can do, if you take care of it!

Love and Cookies


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You-an amazing,incredible human being! 


Hey, I am back!

It is almost February 2012 and I guess it is a little to late to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I say it anyway, I wish all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year, with lots of blessings, laughter, love and everything else that fulfills your life.

My new year has been a little rocky so far.
I made some big changes in my life!Sometimes letting go really hurts and sometimes you don't really understand why this is happening to you, but I know in the end everything happens for a reason.

I wonder how many people are standing on crossroads in their lives, not knowing which way to take, what is wrong and what is right! How many people are to scared about their future, about what people think, or that they would never ever be able to get through a life changing decision on their own.
I wonder how are we supposed to life happy, really happy lives, when we are always willing to just suck it up!
When we are always willing to settle for less!
Even if we know that it doesn't feel right,we just push that little,tiny voice out of our heads.We ignore it, because we have hope that life will just get better. We believe that we can change things, change people if we just try hard enough.We trust and we get disappointed and then we trust again until we can't trust no more.
Sometimes we just give up and we let life pass us by,we just settle, we think this is all there is.
It would be to hard to change everything, it would be impossible to start over and live like we really mean it.
Being lonely, scared all by yourself in this huge, mean world-those are the things that scare us!
All by ourselves.
Having great friendships, a beautiful relationship or a respectful marriage are amazing, top it off with a supportive family and you hit the jackpot,right?
But you can also win the lottery all by yourself, just by being your sweet, strong, compassionate self.
You have to believe that no matter what obstacles anyone will put in your way, no matter how lonely or scared or broken hearted you are, things will get better and you can get through it.


I believe that there is a reason for every fight we fight, for every tear we cry and for every decision we make.We were not born just to live, we were born to make a difference, to fight for what we believe in, to fight with the good guys and kick the bad guys ass.
There is a solution for every problem, a light at the end of every tunnel, there are always people that are fighting for their life's right now, wishing they would get another chance to make a difference.

Don't let anybody ever tell you that you are not good enough, smart enough, or taff enough to make a decision on your own, all by yourself, especially when you know deep in your heart that it is the only right one!

You all ROCK!

Love and Cookies


Monday, December 19, 2011

New Years Resolutions


How are you guys?The holidays and the new year are so close!Any resolutions for the new year yet?I do,I do...mine are very simple!
lieve,give back,stop eating sugary vegan foods and keep on strengthening my body with daily exercise.And of course, be a positive,healthy and happy wife,daughter,sister and friend.

I have a few simple steps that can make your 2012 sweeter in many ways

1.Cut down on animal foods and processed crap!

Once again...we are what we eat.You eat junk,you look like it and feel like it.
Animal products make your body acidic and they clog your arteries.Meat and dairy contains no fiber, which is important for a healthy digestion.No fiber will turn you into a biatch because if you can't use the bathroom your life stinks!
There is not one nutrient you can not get from a plant based diet.
Eat one plant based meal a day and you are one baby step closer to a better diet.

Many diets consist of over-processed foods and lifeless foods which produce little enzyme activity and contain little or no fibrous material.A lot of people are eating junk foods that are not fresh, with fewer nutrients.

All the natural fiber has been removed in the refining stages. Because of this the diet is poor in fiber, digestion is slow and the waste materials stay in the body longer. This sets up the perfect condition for toxic materials to form.Processed foods contain huge amounts of chemicals and toxins which were added in the processing.
Do you really want to eat chemicals like coloring agents, artificial flavors and preservatives,that are linked to cancer and other diseases.
Dump the processed food...your body has no clue what to do with it!It will only make you really sick.

2.Have a green smoothie!

If there is any food or meal replacement I recommend, it is the beautiful,yummy,nourishing,it will get your skin glowing and will make you jump your husband GREEN SMOOTHIE.
Get out your old blender and buy some kale,spinach and fruit and start blending!
Dark green leafy vegetables are, calorie for calorie, probably the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food. They are a rich source of minerals (including iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium) and vitamins, including vitamins K, C, E, and many of the B vitamins. They also provide a variety of phytonutrients including beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which protect our cells from damage and our eyes from age-related problems, among many other effects. Dark green leaves even contain small amounts of Omega-3 fats.
Add a banana and some berries for sweetness.Drink it in the morning instead of breakfast and you will feel more energized and ready for the day.

3.Dance,Baby Dance!!!

I don't care if you dance,run,jump,do yoga or just do good old jumping jacks..you have to keep your body moving.We are meant to move and here is why!!!
People who are physically active live longer.Regular exercise reduces the risk of dying prematurely.
Exercise stimulates the formation of new brain cells.Researchers found that the areas of the brain that are stimulated through exercise are responsible for memory and learning.
Regular exercise maintains or improves sex life. Physical improvements in muscle strength and tone, endurance, body composition and cardiovascular function can all enhance sexual functioning in both men and women.
Study after study has shown that exercise promotes mental health and reduces symptoms of depression. The antidepressant effect of regular physical exercise is comparable to the potent antidepressants like Zoloft.
Lack of physical activity is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Regular exercising makes your heart, like any other muscle, stronger.
There is strong evidence from high quality studies that moderate physical activity combined with weight loss and balanced diet can confer a 50-60% reduction in risk of developing diabetes.
Regular exercise helps to reach and maintain a healthy weight. If you take in more calories than needed in a day, exercise offsets a caloric overload and controls body weight. It speeds the rate of energy use, resulting in increased metabolism.
An active lifestyle benefits bone density. Regular weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation, delays bone loss and may protect against osteoporosis - form of bone loss associated with aging.


OK, this is actually the hardest one!When I say believe,I mean for a long and sweet life you have to believe in yourself! You have to!!!You have to believe that you can be whoever you want to be, and you can do whatever you want to do.Life is to short to waste it on people and stuff you don't like.You hate your job,go back to college..you want to open your own business..go ahead.Don't let anybody ever tell you that you can't do it!People can be dream killers because they never had the guts to reach for their own.Believe in yourself and there will be nothing you can not do!!!

5.Give Back!

You know what I realized about money...Money doesn't matter!!!It doesn't make you happy,it doesn't buy you love and it doesn't make things easier.
The happiest people are the one that live a simple life, without any superficial things.
There is nothing more fulfilling than giving back.Giving your time or your money to somebody who REALLY needs it.
It makes you realized how blessed you are!
Giving 50 dollars to a girl in India to save her life is priceless!
Spending time with a shelter dog and cuddling him, while he looks at you with his big puppy dog eyes, just melts your heart!
Mentoring a child,while saving him from a life on the streets-no money can buy that feeling.

Stop wasting your time in the mall or bar and do what you were meant to do!To make this world a better place,one smile at a time!

I hope you guys got some inspiration...Have a beautiful week!

Love and Cookies


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Got a cold?!Please don't pop a pill...

I can not believe it is November already and the beautiful holiday season is just around the corner.
It is getting cold in Chicago and of course everybody is making sure they are getting their flu shots!Flu shot season is making me a little upset.I don't like how people are getting pushed into getting vaccinated,it is just another money making thing.Did you know that more people actually died from a flu shot vaccine than from the flu itself.I am not surprised just look at the kind of ingredients a flu shot contains:

  • Egg proteins: including avian contaminant viruses
  • Gelatin: can cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are usually associated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin
  • Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™): can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. Also associated with infertility in female mice.
  • Formaldehyde: known carcinogen
  • Triton X100: a strong detergent
  • Sucrose: table sugar
  • Resin: known to cause allergic reactions
  • Gentamycin: an antibiotic
  • Thimerosal: mercury is still in multi dose flu shot vials

SCARY!!!There is no way I would ever put that into my body.

Once again, you don't get sick because you didn't get the flu shot...you will get sick because you didn't take care of yourself and your immune system got weakend.If you treat your body like garbage,year after year,even if you did get the flu shot,sooner or later you will get really, really sick.

The time to treat any kind of disease is when you don't have it.!

Prevention is always better than cure.

I listed some natural ways to prevent and cure a cold or the flu,without and pills,chemical liquids and poisonous flu shots!


Not only is vitamin C a well-known component of your immune system, it is also necessary for collagen, the main structural protein found in connective tissue. A healthy dose of vitamin C will protect your body from infection and maintain healthy bones and teeth, as well as quicken the body's ability to repair wounds.

Along with its immune functions that fight against bacteria, viruses, and infection, vitamin C also serves as an effective antihistamine that will lessen the unpleasant effects of the common cold, including inflammation, stuffy nose and aches.
The best source of vitamins is always fresh fruit and vegetables.

Good sources of Vitamin C are red bell peppers,lemons,kiwis or strawberries.


When you have a cold or flu your body is under a lot of stress, fighting the viral infection.Almost 80% of our energy is used for digestion. Big, heavy meals take vital energy to digest, resources which your body could be using to fight the infections.If you eat easy to digest foods like fruit and vegetables your body can work on fighting of the cold and doesn't have to focus on breaking down the food.There is a reason why we are not hungry if we are sick!The best thing to do is drink plenty of liquids - water,green juices and herbal teas,but stay away from heavy and highly processed food. High liquid intake is important as the body uses water to carry waste products and toxins to your elimination systems.


One of the most important factors in getting cure from cold is a good sleep and generally relaxing. You need to get some good rest in order for your body to resist the cold virus better, faster and more efficient. If you have fever you should definitely stay home, switch off your mobile and try to relax. Most people tend to try and overcome cold with out resting.Stay at home and relax for two days in a warm environment.


What,garlic? I know, it has a strong smell but garlic has anti-bacterial properties that help the immune system to fight infection, it is an excellent boost to the immune system. The reason for this is garlic contains several helpful compounds, including allicin, one of the plant kingdom's most potent antibiotics.So if you can eat it like an apple(-:...LOL..a garlic a day keeps the doctor away!


Boil up a large pot of water. If you're lucky enough to live in Australia, then pop out to the yard and pick yourself a few Eucalyptus leaves to add to the pot. If not, 3 - 5 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil should do the trick. Let the water boil for around 10 minutes.
Inhale the steam through your mouth to alleviate mucus congested in the chest area and inhale through the nose for stuffiness and blockages. Keep eyes closed during the process and take deep relaxing breathes until you feel better.


Stop sniffing and avoid using cough medicine!
Sniffing sends that mucus right back to the very place it came from! You want to expel the infected mucus from your body. Stop sniffing and grab a tissue!The same goes for coughing.
Most cough medicines contain ingredients to suppress coughing. You want to shift the infected mucus away from the lungs. Suppressing a cough hinders your body's attempt to heal. A natural remedy will relieve the cough without suppressing it.Drink hot herbal or ginger tea.One tablespoon apple cider vinegar disolved in water works wonders.I will never have a sinus infection again!!!


Please, if you want to eat someting,have vegetable soup which will nourish you with all its vitamins and minerals.No dead chicken will heal you!!!

Love and Cookies


Monday, October 24, 2011

I can't afford to be healthy!!

I hear it all the time..eating healthy is so expensive and I can't afford to buy organic!
I understand the frustration that a lot of people feel,if you can buy a burger and fries at Mc Donald for a dollar each and to nosh some salad you have to spend three times the money.But eating healthy doesn't have to break your bank!Here are some money saving tips on eating healthy and vegan on a budget.

-Buy in Bulk
Beans,rice,nuts and seeds are all cheaper if you buy them in the bulk section of your health food store or Whole Foods.You can buy a pound of beans for just a little over a dollar, while a pound of beef will cost you way more.Add some tomatoes,veggies and spices to your protein packed super beans and you can whip up a big pot of veggie chili, that will last for a couple of days.

-Stay Away from Processed Foods
It is the packaged processed food that really burns a whole in your wallet.If you compare a package of cereal with some oatmeal from the bulk section you will be able to stretch your dollar way further by buying the oatmeal.The same goes with frozen meals,cookies,crackers and chips!
The more junk food you eat,the more you want it and the more you will buy it.If you eat a wholesome meal your body will get all the nutrients it needs and you will be less likely to spend your money on another junk food binge.It doesn't matter if it is Vegan,processed food is junk and expensive!

-Cook at Home
Yes I know,so many of you don't have time to prepare and chop tons of veggies at home and prepare a from scratch meal every day.Think ahead!Prepare a big pot of rice or pasta at the beginning of the week and toss it with veggies,tempeh and add your favourite sauce whenever the hunger strikes.Have curry veggie rice one day and Italian style pasta the next.You can make pasta salad or wrap the rice in a taco with some beans and guacamole for a hearty meal.Have a big salad with it and you are good to go.
Think about how much you spend on take out food and restaurants a month.You will save so much money, if you prepare your own food and you will actually know what it is you are eating!

-Shop in Season
Don't buy strawberries and pineapple in the wintertime!!! Out of season fruits and vegetables have to travel a long way and are tough on your wallet.
Buy local, and buy fruit and veggies that are in season, this way you will support your budget and mother nature will thank you.

-Buy at the Farmers Market
Organic food at the Farmers Market is often way cheaper than it is at the store.You will have an impact on the environment,the local farmers and your bank account.

-Buy Frozen Fruit and Veggies
Frozen fruit and vegetables are good alternatives to fresh produce.They are often cheaper than their fresh brothers and sisters and if they are flash frozen right after picking they will keep their nutritional value.This way you have the possibility to buy some strawberries in the wintertime-if you have too (-;

And Last but Not Least
-Think about the Future...
If you consider that meat and dairy foods clog your body with saturated fat, growth hormones and antibiotics, things that have been conclusively linked to cancer, heart disease, and obesity, it is certainly a lot less expensive -- and less painful -- to prevent diseases through your food choices than it is to treat them later (through bypass surgery or angioplasty, for example, which can run up tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills).

Love and Cookies


The ''Dirty Dozen'' and ''Clean 15''

2011 “Dirty Dozen” list has THE MOST PESTICIDES.

8.Sweet Bell Peppers
12.Kale/Collard Greens

2011 “Clean 15” list has the LEAST PESTICIDES.
If you want, you can get these conventional and it will cut down on your intake of pesticides.

2.Sweet Corn
6.Sweet Peas
13.Sweet Potatoes

Love and Cookies


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Did you know.....?!

Kathy Freston''Veganist''

Reading this great awesome book ''Veganist'' written by Kathy Freston.
Love books,give me a good book and I am a happy girl.

I want to tell you guys some amazing facts about the plant based diet...


-On a healthful vegan diet,weight comes off effortlessly and sustainably,without counting one calorie.

-Most of us only overeat when we are eating the wrong foods.When we eat healthfully our body knows when to stop because it will get all the nutrients we need from the foods we eat.The reason why so many people are constantly hungry is because their bodies are starving of nutrients.

-It is a myth that you can't get enough protein on a plant strong diet.Most Americans get more protein than their bodies need or can successfully use.

-Plant based food are naturally low in fat.It is very hard to be overweight on a vegan diet.


-One out of every three children born after 2000 will develop type 2 diabetes,which is preventable through diet and lifestyle.

-You can reduce your chances of getting cancer by 40 percent,heart disease 50 percent, and diabetes by 60 percent by changing your diet to a whole foods,vegan diet.

-Within days of switching to a plant based diet,weight starts to drop; within one week blood sugar starts to fall; within 2 weeks blood pressure improves; and within a month cholesterol improves significantly.


-The current generation of children just might be the first to have shorter life expectancies than their parents.

-Vegetarians live 10 years longer than the average meat eater.

-The poor circulation from clogged arteries that can cause heart disease and stroke can also cause impotence and dementia.A vegan diet is the best prevention.


-All food poisoning-all food borne viruses,bacteria, and antibiotic-resistant infections-comes from animals,including humans.

-Over 95 percent of the meat, dairy and eggs we eat comes from factory farms,where the animals are pumped full of drugs to keep them alive and to speed up their development and productivity.Chicken get twice the antibiotic dosing that cattle do,because the conditions they are raised in are the worst of the worst and therefore require more medicine just to keep them alive long enough to be killed for their meat.

-The immune cells of vegetarians and vegans are twice as effective at destroying their targets-not only cancer cells, but virus infected cells as well-as the immune cells of meat eaters.

-The Center for Disease Control reported finding fecal contamination in 90 percent of poultry, 75 percent of beef and 43 percent of pork.

-Dairy cow and pig factories dump millions of gallons of putrefying waste into massive open air cesspits,which can then contaminate the water used to irrigate our crops.That is how a deadly fecal pathogen like E. coli 0157;H7 can end up contaminating our spinach.


-You can satisfy your protein needs with a variety of plant foods for just pennies per day.

-The annual costs of meat-based diseases in the U.S., are on the order of 1 trillion dollars and climbing,costs that show up in the crazy prices of health care.

-The cheap burger at the fast food place actually ends up costing 200 dollars to bring to your plate when all true source costs are accounted for.

Did you know...

-The business for raising animals for food is responsible for about 18 percent of global warming.

-Farmed animals are probably the biggest cause of slashing and burning of the world's forest.

-If every American skipped one meal of chicken per week and substituted vegetarian foods,the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as if the nation removed more than half a million cars from the U.S roads.

-A person prevents more climate change pollution by going vegan than by switching to a hybrid car.


-In typical egg-producing operations,hens are crammed by the bunch into tiny wire cages stacked one upon the other for hundreds of yard.They cannot spread their wings,sometimes with broken bones,open sores and feather loss.

-Broiler chicken are often drugged up and genetically manipulated to grow extremely large,extremely quickly and as a result they often cannot support their unnatural weight-their legs remain malformed or break.Their hearts and lungs cannot keep up with the unnaturally rapid growth and many die of heart or lung failure.

-Cattle often have their horns ripped out,are castrated and branded without painkillers and end up standing in their own filth for months before they are slaughtered.

Think about how easy it can be to make a little change in this big world!!

Love and cookies


Friday, September 2, 2011

Why dieting just sucks!!!

Atkins, South Beach, The Zone, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem,...All these names,all these diets and all that Bullshit.EXCUSE my language!!The reason why women and men are so confused about diet and nutrition is because at least once or twice a year there is another crazy,new diet on the market.You will get skinny overnight forever for the rest of your life-until you gain all the weight back and you feel even worse then before.

The Atkins diet for example is one of the worst eating plans out there.It is a low carb,high protein diet on which you are supposed to eat tons of animal protein like bacon,butter,eggs and Dr.Atkin's wants you to cut out any kind of fruit and whole grains.Huuh?Since when does an apple make you fat!?
Dr. Atkins' book actually recommends such foods as fried pork rinds and bacon cheeseburgers. It states on the first page: "Imagine losing weight with a diet that lets you have bacon and eggs for breakfast, heavy cream in your coffee, plenty of meat and even salad with dressing for lunch and dinner!"
Wow what a diet revolution!!!
It is proven that a high animal protein diet can cause cancer and many other diet related diseases.I just don't understand how people can believe that this kind of diet is a healthy lifestyle.
Do you lose weight?Yes you do!Why?
Because when the body can't find enough carbohydrates to function properly, it produces ketones, an emergency fuel that can be utilized in times of crisis or fasting. Built into our genetic code is the ability to survive periods of time without food, such as periods of food scarcity, or natural disasters. We are designed by nature to survive on a plant-based diet, rich in carbohydrates- when our cells realize they are not receiving enough fuel from carbohydrates, the body receives messages to dip into its fat reserves to produce ketones as an emergency fuel. Ketones rise in our bloodstream and the body begins to lose fat in spite of a large consumption of high fat animal foods.The price for eating a high protein diet is chronic ketones.Besides cancer risk,the kidneys are put under extrem stress and age rapidly.

You might lose some weight but you will lose your health too!!!

Dieting will turn you into a crazy Biatch..some diet plans are way to strict and cut out way to many things that are actually good and necessary for our body and our health.Some diet plans are full off processed packaged garbage food (Hello, Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem) and some diets allow you to eat whatever you want, but make sure you count your points!!
You can use all your points on complete junk food.Doesn't really make sense to me.

You will feel deprived every time you go on a diet-who wouldn't if you are not allowed to eat juicy sweet fruit or a bowl of oatmeal.We all have to built a relationship with everything in life-even with food.If you look at the apple pie and think ''I can't have you!You will make my butt big and my thighs even more.You are bad bad bad!Trust me sooner or later you will lose your willpower.Do I wish we would live in a world without processed crap sometimes?Yes absolutely, but we all have to learn not to look at things in a bad way.If you don't allow yourself a cookie every once in a while you will go crazy and I mean,give me the whole box,oh I hate myself,now my stomach hurts crazy!!!Build a good loving relationship with everything in your life especially with food,your elliptical,your loved ones and yourself.

People have to understand that there is no secret diet plan,there is no magic pill or exercise machine that will get you into shape without any effort.We all have to start thinking about what we put into our bodies.We have to stop counting calories and instead thinking about where the food comes from,if it will provide us with nutrients and energy.We have to start exercising regularly,even if we just dance in front of the TV or take a walk.The mind and body is connected,so we have to learn how to deal with our issues in life without stuffing our faces with another burger and fries, thinking that it will make our problems disappear.

We all have our enemies in life and for a lot of us,it is food.We eat, because we are sad,we eat when we are happy,we eat in front of the TV or when we feel lonely.A lot of people use food because they are bored or depressed.
Food is supposed to be fun and beautiful, not be looked at as a constant struggle in life.Food is not the problem it is the way we pursue it!

The next time you want to go on a crazy diet, think about what you could do to really make your body and mind sweet and healthy!!!

Love and cookies



I just finished this book ''Think'' written by Lisa Bloom.And wow did it get to me!!!
Lisa Bloom is an award winning journalist,legal analyst and she got my attention when she was featured in the last issue of Veg News.That she is Vegan is just another detail...
''Think'' makes you think about yourself and the world we live in.That we are watching,listening and reading about celebrities,reality show,plastic surgeries and many other BS that doesn't make us smarter but just fries our brain.

She gives a great example about Angelina Jolie and all the UNHCR ( the UN Refugee Agency ) work she does.In the media we hardly here about it...what we do hear are things like: Is Angelina pregnant? Getting married to Brad Pitt? Got a boob job? To skinny?...and it goes on and on.
It is pretty sad that such a famous celebrity, who has such a big influence on people and who does great things in this world doesn't get the right attention she deserves...who cares if she marries Brad Pitt...we should care that she just donated 1 million dollars to build a school so people in North Africa or the Middle East can learn how to read and write.

Everybody knows about the Kardashians, The Bachelor, Jersey Shore,Big Brother but nobody knows what is going on in the world we live in or even the country we live in.Nobody knows hardly anything about our government or the war situation..everybody has their opinion about it but lets be honest who really takes the time and afford and does the research so they can have their own opinion.We just believe what the news tell us and sometimes what our friends and families say without even thinking twice about it.Did you know that the USA is currently engaged in 9 wars? (Iran, Egypt, Syria, Mexico, North Korea, Japan, China, Russia, Morocco).
No!!!Me either...How crazy is that...We have no clue...

Did you know if you would donate 20 Dollars a girl in India could go to school for a year?If you donate 100 Dollars she would have a school education and would be able to find a job to maybe even become a doctor to save other peoples lives just because you skipped to buy a pair of shoes or didn't went out for dinner one time.I think that really rocks..
Did you know that we still have slavery in this world...right now 3 million young girls are victims of trafficking.They get kidnapped,raped,drugged and are forced to prostitution without ever having the freedom to do anything by themselves....yes we still live in a sick world!!
We should be so thankful every single second of our lives that we are born in this kind of world...that we were the lucky ones-being able to do whatever,whenever we want to-never being forced into anything.Being able to get an eduction,having human rights and a health care system..those are things we take for granted every day just because God decided to put us on this side of the world.
I am not trying to preach anything!!!I just really believe that we have to start thinking for ourselves,to do our own research on important big things.
The environment -cause if we keep on treating the earth the way we do, soon it will fight back and things like hurricane Katrina were probably just the beginning.
The way we treat our bodies and our health-do we really want to keep on feeding us medications and getting surgery because we can't get our sh.... together and think about what we eat..garbage in garbage out!!!Eat plants and you will thrive,eat animals and you will die!!
People that are not born into the luxuries we have-lets skip the next shopping trip and do some research on how to spend that money wisely.How we can really change a life!?
Let's get smart about what is going on in our country-war,government,environment,health care and everything else that you think will make you smarter.

Build your own opinion, do the research and don't let anybody tell you what is wrong or right unless they really know what they are talking about.You don't have to agree with anybody,be your own smart person!!Read read read and be healthy and happy...

Love Jennifer 

Perfect is beige

Wow what an amazing weekend I had..I went to see Kris Carr speaking about her journey with cancer and health at the Hyatt lodge in Oak Brook yesterday.And man did she inspire me!!For you people who don't know who she is,Kris Carr is a cancer thriver,best selling author of her awesome book Crazy Sexy Diet, motivational speaker, wellness coach and she inspires people all over America to have a holistic approach to medicine and health.She has been living with a very rare form of cancer in her liver and lungs for almost 10 years know and it is stable.Doctors told her that there is not much to do besides wait and see,so she started her own journey and healed herself through a plant based way of eating and a healthy mind.She did a documentary on her journey called Crazy Sexy Cancer and has a web side with lots of information at crazysexylife.com.Kris regularly lectures at medical schools, hospitals,wellness centers,Whole Foods and Eat Right America and Harvard University.Television appearances include;
CBS Evening News,The Early Show,The Today Show and yes even the Oprah Winfrey Show.

 Kris Carr

There were about 300-400 people most of them cancer survivors listening to her and 3 other great health advocates which included Julie Fulton who is a dietitian and fitness professional,Jackie Glew registered Dietitian and licensed Nutritionist and Peggy Maglaris-Kopley who is the General Manager and Co-founder of Prasino which is that great organic,vegan friendly restaurant I told you guys about.They are located in St. Charles IL, La Grange IL and are soon opening another one in our great city Chicago.

Kris was doing a little personal coaching session on some volunteers and of course I was really interested in that so I was the lucky one that got picked.We were talking about my eating habits,stress level,exercise regimen and about the way my mind is driving me crazy sometimes.She was such a sweet person and told me that I put to much pressure on me about being perfect and that I have to realize that there is no perfect...PERFECT IS BEIGE AND I AM RED HOT...those were her words!!
I think a lot of us put so much pressure on ourselves to be the perfect wife,the perfect mom,have the perfect body,eat a perfect diet,be the perfect friend,be perfect in our jobs or at school,be the perfect son or daughter and live the perfect life.Well, there is no perfect and who is the one that says what perfect is anyway?!
And if we are perfect at the end are we really happy?Isn't it so much more important to be happy and healthy,to be able to laugh and cry and help people out and be loved and give love,to feel full filled and enjoy life instead of spending every little minute of your life on trying to be perfect.When we want to be perfect most of the time we are doing it to please other people.We think if we are perfect we get more attention or more love.We think all our problems will fade away and we can finally be happy!!If we fail and we never become our perfect selfs we beat ourselves up every single day until we realize that nobody has the right to make us feel that we will never be good enough,or that we are a failure.It is not our fault that sometimes people just don't know any better.
Most of our doubts and low self esteem come from our childhood.Everything we learn,we learn when we are children..little innocent children.Our parents are our role models and everything they say or do we suck in to our little brains where the memories can get stored forever.And our parents love us and they don't mean to hurt us!!Very often that is how they have been raised and that is all they know so they continue with that kind of parenting not knowing that sometimes that child has to deal and struggle with his or her feelings way into the adult life.
When we want to beat ourselves up because we failed again we need to look at us when we were kids and be the mom or dad.Would we punish our child and give him a bottle of vodka to drink or stuff it with cookies,because he or she wasn't perfect?Would we sit him in front of the TV for the whole day and not let him get any fresh air because he didn't get an A at school?Would we lock our teenager in his room for two days because he failed on his driving test?NO NO and NO...

So why do we punish ourselves if we are not perfect?It is up to us to brake that circle and teach us and our future children better.We need to take responsibility for our own life's and realize that we are not children anymore and that we are in control of our life's.Nobody can blame or hurt us for things anymore if we don't let them.Nobody can punish us anymore or treat us bad!!We have to stop playing the victim role,grow up and forgive whoever we need to forgive...not because of them but because of us..in the end if we are mad and angry with people in our life's for what they did to us,it causes negative energy in our body's and minds.It doesn't hurt them it hurts us..You don't have to forget but you have to forgive..

And we have to realize what a huge impact our mind and thoughts have on our life and well being.A healthy diet and exercise is never enough if we have poisened thoughts.We can be whoever and whatever we want to be no matter what has happend to us in the past...prayers,meditation and counseling can move mountains.You just have to believe that PERFECT IS BEIGE AND YOU ARE RED HOT!!!

Love and hugs


Exercise.. so much more than staying skinny!!!

I would like to tell you guys a little bit about moving our gorgeous body's!!
Shaking your booty is just as important to our health than the way we eat and think.Mind, body and soul are connected and only if we take care of all elements we will live a happy and healthy life.
Our body's are made for action.It is the only machine in the world that works better and gets stronger the more we use it.Muscles were made for movement.Without exercise we begin to slowly deteriorate.Like a car parked in the driveway and never used,rest brings rust.

Health benefits of regular exercise

-strengthens our heart muscle and gets our blood moving throughout our bodies
-the better our blood circulation the more effectively nutrients are delivered to our cells

-exercise stimulates digestion and improves metabolism

-improved metabolism helps to control weight
-if you take in calories you have to burn them through exercise

-helps to control LDL cholesterol which clogs arteries and leads to heart attack and stroke.
-helps to lower blood pressure
-stress reducer
-strenghtens our heart muscle

-keeps our immune system strong which is our primary defense against cancer cells
-helps to speed up metabolism - we can eliminate toxins quicker and better which prevents colon and rectal cancer
-increased oxygenation of our cells-cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment
-exercise lowers level of female hormones which can prevent breast cancer

-weight- bearing exercise makes bones strong by retaining calcium in the bones,which prevents osteoporosis

-our pituitary gland releases hormones called endorphins into the bloodstream about 30 min after cardio exercise which gives us a happy feeling and is a great stress reliever
-gives us a sense of personal accomplishment
-helps us with discipline

-increased lung capacity
-lower breathing rate
-lower heart rate at rest
-lower uric acid level
-increased flexibility
-increased energy
-improved functions of all organs

And my absolute favorite benefit that keeps me motivated..THE BODY HEALS EIGHT TIMES FASTER WHEN YOU EXERCISE REGULARLY..EIGHT TIMES!!!

Dust of your gym shoes and get moving....run,jump,swim,dance what ever makes you happy..trust me after you are done you will feel like a million bucks.

Bring it





Just found those super inspiring words on Kimberly Snyders blog.I love her blog and everything she does, a true inspiration.You go girl!!

Never underestimate your ever-present power to change, no matter what. Lots of times we think we have “messed up,” so we might as well give up for the rest of the day- or even the rest of the week. Maybe we ate a huge lunch, or had a massive snack binge at work with Pringles, a Snickers bar and a bag of peanut M &M’s . So by dinner we might think, “Well today is out the window, so I might as well keep going as I already messed up. I’m just going to eat the whole bag of corn chips and microwave some cream of mushroom soup and a frozen pizza. ” NO! Let us train ourselves to stay in the present. If we can consciously recognize that we over-indulged, then we can and should be conscious enough to stop immediately and turn it around. Like a coin that has two sides, we have this incredible unlimited power to change at any time, at any moment. Almost like a freeze frame! Saying we “messed up” and continuing in that direction is a form of being mired in the past. And this year, we can realize that we can always cut our ties to the past, once it is in well, the past. We can always do better NOW.