Friday, September 23, 2011

Coconut Cupcakes filled with Lemon Cream

OK these will blow you away and this is not the last time you will see them...

1/3 cup cashews
1 large banana
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tbs coconut nectar or maple syrup

Blend all the ingredients in a blender until smooth.Put in fridge to set.

2 cups pecans or other nuts
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut
3/4 cup tightly packed dates
3 tbs vanilla extract
1/8 tsp salt

Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until it all sticks together.
Place about six cupcake liners in a muffin pan.Scoop 1/2 cup mixture into each cupcake liner.
Press the mixture into cupcakes using your fingertips,make sure to leave some space in the middle for the filling.Press the mixture tight and all the way up to the edge of the cupcake liners.
Pour about 3 tbsp lemon cream into each cupcake...Decorate with coconut and a slice of lemon or orange.

Love and Cookies


Bad food-bad skin

For all of you who ever wondered if your food choices affect your skin.Yes they do..everything you eat your skin absorbs from your bloodstream.Sugar,dairy and processed foods are your biggest enemy,when it comes to beautiful,healthy,glowing skin.Here are some tips on what to avoid and what to eat if you want to avoid breakouts.

Choose Low Glycemic Foods

Eating foods with a lot of sugar (as well as refined carbohydrates such as white bread that are broken down quickly into sugar) causes your blood sugar to spike.Elevated blood sugar stimulates your body to pump out insulin,which then triggers a cascade of hormonal effects,including elevated levels of the male hormone androgen,excess oil and increased skin cell production,all of which lead to clogged pores and breakouts.

Quit Dairy

Milk is full of growth hormones,which will be absorbed into your bloodstream and will affect your skin.Milk can affect your Insulin.Even if it has a low GI it still affects your blood sugar and will affect your human hormone production.Especially whey protein which comes from the whey of cow's milk and is added to protein bars,cereals and is a by product of cheese,has a lot of male growth hormones which cause acne.And lets not forget all the other steroids,antibiotics and chemicals that we ingest if we drink cow's milk,even pasteurization and homogenization can't destroy these compounds.

Avoid Iodine

To much salt in processed and canned foods,Iodine in cow's milk and table salt are all linked to acne.
Iodine is a mineral that has been clinically proven to aggravate acne. The biggest source of iodine is iodized table salt. Avoid that salt. Other food sources of iodine include oysters, lobster,seaweed, shrimp and milk.Try to limit these foods.

Eat Zinc-Rich foods

Zinc is natural anti-inflammatory as well as an inhibitor of acne causing bacteria.No wonder a lot of people with acne have a zinc deficiency.Before you go out and buy a zinc supplement,be careful because excessive zinc intake can actually be toxic.Get your zinc through foods, like lentils,kidney beans,almonds,cashews,tempeh,sunflower and sesame seeds.I know that red meat is a source of zinc but it is also very high in saturated fat and cholesterol which can lead to heart disease.

Omega-3s to fight acne

Omega -3s actually reverse the damage caused by a diet high in inflammatory foods.It is a natural anti-inflammatory,so it has the potential  to calm broken out skin.Omega-3 may also decrease the hormone that causes increased oil production and clogged pores.And last but not least,Omega 3s may act as a natural mood booster.Well if that is not a good reason to eat your flax seed.Vegan sources of Omega-3s are flax seed,walnuts,hemp oil,pumpkin seeds and soy beans.

Let's eat our way to beautiful skin

Love and Cookies


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Scrumptious Apple Pie

I made this delicious Apple Pie last night for a charity bake sale.It tastes a lot like the baked one,with cinnamon and raisins which go perfect together.I made it with some organic Pink Lady apples but you could use any kind.Apple season is coming..yippee
For the Filling
2 Large Crisp Apples
¼ cup Raisins
¼ cup Coconut Nectar or Raw Honey
1 tablespoon Softened Almond butter
Juice from half a Lemon
2 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
½ teaspoon Nutmeg

For the Crust
1 cup raw Oat Groats
1 cup raw Walnuts
1 cup Dates
1/2 cup Raisins
2 tablespoon Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Some extra raisins and apple slices

Slice apples ( the way you like it) and mix with raisins in a large bowl and set aside.
In a small bowl mix together all other filling ingredients. Mix well with a fork.
Pour the mixture evenly over apples and raisins, then toss for a minute or two to ensure even distribution.
Let marinade for about 20 min.
Put oat groats,walnuts,dates, raisins and melted coconut oil in a food processor
(I just got a new one(-:) and process until mixture sticks together.
Put mixture in a round baking pan and press into bottom of the pan.Let harden in the fridge.
Once the crust has hardened, pour apple mixture evenly on top.

You can decorate it however you like.I just sprinkled some extra cinnamon and raisins on top and decorated the edges of the pie with some more apple slices.

Love and Cookies


Friday, September 9, 2011

Creamy Lime Bars

These bars are so good,they are super creamy and are so much better for you than the dairy version.
You could also make a crust with walnuts and dates and make a key lime pie out of it.


1 cup organic lime juice
½ cup unrefined coconut oil
1/4 cup raw organic honey
4 cups cashews
Liquid sweetener ( date syrup or maple syrup ) to sweeten.A little goes a long way
½ -1 cup water

Combine all ingredients in a blender except for the water, and blend on high. Add the water last and as needed to keep the blending going and make the mixture smooth.
Freeze at least 4 hours, or overnight.
Cut into bars and serve! Makes about 15 full-portion sized bars.
Can store in the freezer and keep for a few weeks.

love and cookies


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Did you know.....?!

Kathy Freston''Veganist''

Reading this great awesome book ''Veganist'' written by Kathy Freston.
Love books,give me a good book and I am a happy girl.

I want to tell you guys some amazing facts about the plant based diet...


-On a healthful vegan diet,weight comes off effortlessly and sustainably,without counting one calorie.

-Most of us only overeat when we are eating  the wrong foods.When we eat healthfully our body knows when to stop because it will get all the nutrients we need from the foods we eat.The reason why so many people are constantly hungry is because their bodies are starving of nutrients.

-It is a myth that you can't get enough protein on a plant strong diet.Most Americans get more protein than their bodies need or can successfully use.

-Plant based food are naturally low in fat.It is very hard to be overweight on a vegan diet.


-One out of every three children born after 2000 will develop type 2 diabetes,which is preventable through diet and lifestyle.

-You can reduce your chances of getting cancer by 40 percent,heart disease 50 percent, and diabetes by 60 percent by changing your diet to a whole foods,vegan diet.

-Within days of switching to a plant based diet,weight starts to drop; within one week blood sugar starts to fall; within 2 weeks blood pressure improves; and within a month cholesterol improves significantly.


-The current generation of children just might be the first to have shorter life expectancies than their parents.

-Vegetarians live 10 years longer than the average meat eater.

-The poor circulation from clogged arteries that can cause heart disease and stroke can also cause impotence and dementia.A vegan diet is the best prevention.


-All food poisoning-all food borne viruses,bacteria, and antibiotic-resistant infections-comes from animals,including humans.

-Over 95 percent of the meat, dairy and eggs we eat comes from factory farms,where the animals are pumped full of drugs to keep them alive and to speed up their development and productivity.Chicken get twice the antibiotic dosing that cattle do,because the conditions they are raised in are the worst of the worst and therefore require more medicine just to keep them alive long enough to be killed for their meat.

-The immune cells of vegetarians and vegans are twice as effective at destroying their targets-not only cancer cells, but virus infected cells as well-as the immune cells of meat eaters.

-The Center for Disease Control reported finding fecal contamination in 90 percent of poultry, 75 percent of beef and 43 percent of pork.

-Dairy cow and pig factories dump millions of gallons of putrefying waste into massive open air cesspits,which can then contaminate the water used to irrigate our crops.That is how a deadly fecal pathogen like E. coli 0157;H7 can end up contaminating our spinach.


-You can satisfy your protein needs with a variety of plant foods for just pennies per day.

-The annual costs of meat-based diseases in the U.S., are on the order of 1 trillion dollars and climbing,costs that show up in the crazy prices of health care.

-The cheap burger at the fast food place actually ends up costing 200 dollars to bring to your plate when all true source costs are accounted for.

Did you know...

-The business for raising animals for food is responsible for about 18 percent of global warming.

-Farmed animals are probably the biggest cause of slashing and burning of the world's forest.

-If every American skipped one meal of chicken per week and substituted vegetarian foods,the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as if the nation removed more than half a million cars from the U.S roads.

-A person prevents more climate change pollution by going vegan than by switching to a hybrid car.


-In typical egg-producing operations,hens are crammed by the bunch into tiny wire cages stacked one upon the other for hundreds of yard.They cannot spread their wings,sometimes with broken bones,open sores and feather loss.

-Broiler chicken are often drugged up and genetically manipulated to grow extremely large,extremely quickly and as a result they often cannot support their unnatural weight-their legs remain malformed or break.Their hearts and lungs cannot keep up with the unnaturally rapid growth and many die of heart or lung failure.

-Cattle often have their horns ripped out,are castrated and branded without painkillers and end up standing in their own filth for months before they are slaughtered.

Think about how easy it can be to make a little change in this big world!!

Love and cookies


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Chocolate Kale Chips

I just learned some great recipes from a raw food dessert seminar.It was teached by Russel James and these Chocolate Kale Chips were just amazing.If you don't have a dehydrater you can try to put them in the oven on the lowest setting with the door open.Just make sure you keep an eye on them-I don't want your house to be on fire.



9 oz kale
1/2 cup cacao powder
1 cup date paste
2 tablespoons tahini
1/4 cup hemp seeds
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt

Tear the stalks from the kale and then tear any
larger pieces into bite-sized chunks.
Mix kale in a bowl with all remaining ingredients and massage so that every bit of kale is covered.
Sprinkle onto a dehydrator non-stick sheet and dehydrate for 12 hours.
Place onto a mesh sheet
and dehydrate for a further 4 hours.

Love and Cookies


Friday, September 2, 2011

Why dieting just sucks!!!

Atkins, South Beach, The Zone, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem,...All these names,all these diets and all that Bullshit.EXCUSE my language!!The reason why women and men are so confused about diet and nutrition is because at least once or twice a year there is another crazy,new diet on the market.You will get skinny overnight forever for the rest of your life-until you gain all the weight back and you feel even worse then before.

The Atkins diet for example is one of the worst eating plans out there.It is a low carb,high protein diet on which you are supposed to eat tons of animal protein like bacon,butter,eggs and Dr.Atkin's wants you to cut out any kind of fruit and whole grains.Huuh?Since when does an apple make you fat!?
Dr. Atkins' book actually recommends such foods as fried pork rinds and bacon cheeseburgers. It states on the first page: "Imagine losing weight with a diet that lets you have bacon and eggs for breakfast, heavy cream in your coffee, plenty of meat and even salad with dressing for lunch and dinner!"
Wow what a diet revolution!!!
It is proven that a high animal protein diet can cause cancer and many other diet related diseases.I just don't understand how people can believe that this kind of diet is a healthy lifestyle.
Do you lose weight?Yes you do!Why?
Because when the body can't find enough carbohydrates to function properly, it produces ketones, an emergency fuel that can be utilized in times of crisis or fasting. Built into our genetic code is the ability to survive periods of time without food, such as periods of food scarcity, or natural disasters. We are designed by nature to survive on a plant-based diet, rich in carbohydrates- when our cells realize they are not receiving enough fuel from carbohydrates, the body receives messages to dip into its fat reserves to produce ketones as an emergency fuel. Ketones rise in our bloodstream and the body begins to lose fat in spite of a large consumption of high fat animal foods.The price for eating a high protein diet is chronic ketones.Besides cancer risk,the kidneys are put under extrem stress and age rapidly.

You might lose some weight but you will lose your health too!!!

Dieting will turn you into a crazy Biatch..some diet plans are way to strict and cut out way to many things that are actually good and necessary for our body and our health.Some diet plans are full off processed packaged garbage food (Hello, Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem) and some diets allow you to eat whatever you want, but make sure you count your points!!
You can use all your points on complete junk food.Doesn't really make sense to me.

You will feel deprived every time you go on a diet-who wouldn't if you are not allowed to eat juicy sweet fruit or a bowl of oatmeal.We all have to built a relationship with everything in life-even with food.If you look at the apple pie and think ''I can't have you!You will make my butt big and my thighs even more.You are bad bad bad!Trust me sooner or later you will lose your willpower.Do I wish we would live in a world without processed crap sometimes?Yes absolutely, but we all have to learn not to look at things in a bad way.If you don't allow yourself a cookie every once in a while you will go crazy and I mean,give me the whole box,oh I hate myself,now my stomach hurts crazy!!!Build a good loving relationship with everything in your life especially with food,your elliptical,your loved ones and yourself.

People have to understand that there is no secret diet plan,there is no magic pill or exercise machine that will get you into shape without any effort.We all have to start thinking about what we put into our bodies.We have to stop counting calories and instead thinking about where the food comes from,if it will provide us with nutrients and energy.We have to start exercising regularly,even if we just dance in front of the TV or take a walk.The mind and body is connected,so we have to learn how to deal with our issues in life without stuffing our faces with another burger and fries, thinking that it will make our problems disappear.

We all have our enemies in life and for a lot of  us,it is food.We eat, because we are sad,we eat when we are happy,we eat in front of the TV or when we feel lonely.A lot of people use food because they are bored or depressed.
Food is supposed to be fun and beautiful, not be looked at as a constant struggle in life.Food is not the problem it is the way we pursue it!

The next time you want to go on a crazy diet, think about what you could do to really make your body and mind sweet and healthy!!!

Love and cookies


Yummy Bean Balls

My friend Sarah wanted me to post my recipe for vegan ''meat'' balls.They are so good and you can eat them hot or cold, with spaghetti and tomato sauce or serve them as appetizers with  some condiments like barbecue sauce,peach salsa or even curry sauce.Feel free to substitute the spices to suit your taste.


1 cup cooked kidney beans
1/2cup cooked brown rice
1/4 cup oats
1/3 cup flax seed
1 tablespoon braggs liquid aminos
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon coconut nectar or other liquid sweetener
1 teaspoons dry mustard


Preheat oven to 400°.
Combine all ingredients in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse until mixture resembles texture and appearance of ground meat and most beans are no longer whole. Do not over mix.
Wet hands and form mixture into balls. You should get around 16. Place on a baking sheet.
Bake in preheated oven for 10-15 minutes, turning once halfway through baking time. Let rest for 10 minutes after baking to firm up.

Love and cookies


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Whats up with the meat!!!

Ok let's discuss the big meat subject...I could never live without meat.Where do you get your protein from?I am a guy I need meat.Vegans are sick and unhealthy.Our anchestors ate meat....yadayadayada
Heard it, done it let's talk facts!!
Let me start by saying, I am not here to judge anybody,my husband eats meat,my whole family does and most of my friends do.I stopped with the preaching a long time ago,doesn't get you anywhere.If people ask me about the way I eat or have health related questions I love to answer, otherwise I don't even mention it.I used to be a steak and potatoes girl..some fillet mignon and some creamy mashed potatoes-perfect I was in heaven.Top it off with some sugar, dairy cows blood dessert and I was all good to least until I had to take a nap or spend the next hour in the bathroom...well lets not go there.

We all know that meat is very hard to digest,that is why we often feel sluggish and tired after a big steak.Meat putrefies within 4 hours after we eat it and the remnants cling to the walls of the intestines for 14-21 days. If a person is suffering from constipation the rotting meat can stay in the intestines for months or years.Our small intestines are about 23 feet long.A tiger on the other hand has a very short digestive tract,so he is able to absorb and break down the flesh he eats quickly. Also the saliva in humans is more alkaline, whereas in the case of animals that eat flesh, it is clearly acidic. The alkaline saliva does  not have the ability to break down the meat.
We also do not have any sharp long claws or teeth to hunt,catch and kill our prey.We would all be vegetarians if we would have to start hunting our meat all by ourselves just with our own human strength.Pretty crazy,knowing that some people can hardly make it to the fridge!!!!
We are not meant to eat meat because all omnivorous and carnivorous animals eat their meat raw. When a lion kills an herbivore for food, it tears right into the stomach area to eat the organs that are filled with blood (nutrients). While eating the stomach, liver, intestine, etc., the lion laps the blood in the process of eating the dead animal's flesh. Even bears that are omnivores eat salmon raw. However, eating raw bloody meat disgust us as humans.Most off you would end up with food poisoning in the hospital or would throw up from the smell before you could even ''enjoy'' the taste off it. This is why humans must cook it and season it to cover the taste of the flesh.
Those are the facts of the human body-it is not an opinion it is the way we are born.PERIOD!!

There is no longer any doubt about the fact that eating meat is bad for your health.
Meat contains absolutely no fiber and nothing - no protein, vitamins or minerals - that your body cannot obtain perfectly happily from a plant based diet.
The list of diseases known to be associated with meat, which are commoner among meat eaters, looks like the index of a medical textbook.Anaemia, appendicitis, arthritis, breast cancer, cancer of the colon, cancer of the prostate, constipation, diabetes, gall stones, gout, high blood pressure, indigestion, obesity, piles, strokes and varicose veins are just some of the well known disorders which are more likely to affect meat eaters than vegetarians.
It is not just how our body is designed that causes those diseases, but also that we consume animal products way to often, sometimes with every single meal and whatever crap the cow,pig or chicken ate you will eat too.
Foods that animals get to eat  can contain cattle manure, swine waste, and poultry litter. This waste may contain drugs such as antibiotics and hormones that have passed unchanged through the animals' bodies.  Animals raised in humane conditions with appropriate space and food rarely require medical treatment. But animals at animal factories often receive antibiotics to promote faster growth and to compensate for crowded, stressful, and unsanitary living conditions. An estimated 13.5 million pounds of antibiotics—the same classes of antibiotics used in human medicine—are routinely added to animal feed or water. This routine, non therapeutic use of antibiotics speeds the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which can infect humans as well as animals.
One last surprise. While grain may sound like a healthful food, the excessive quantities fed to some animals are not. This is especially true for cattle, which are natural grass eaters. Their digestive systems are not designed to handle the large amounts of corn they receive. As a result of this corn-rich diet, cattle can suffer significant health problems, including excessively acidic digestive systems and liver abscesses. Grain-induced health problems, in turn, ramp up the need for drugs.
Everything is a big circle...sick cow..sick human!!
There is no hiding from the truth.If you care about your health and still want to eat meat,eat it only once or twice a week and choose USDA organic grass fed meat.Know your sources,know your sources with everything,educate yourself and don't tell me you don't care about your will one day for sure!!

To all the men out there, who still believe they will fall apart without meat-there are some great vegan athletes and body builders, that are doing better than ever on a plant based diet.Yes, it requires some planning and you have to eat a lot of food, if you are very active but the results will amaze you.There is a great book out there called Thrive-the vegan nutrition guide to optimal performance in sports and life by Brendan Brazier.Forward by Hugh Jackman who had to get back in shape for another X-Man movie.He was looking for an alternative to the meat-protein heavy diet he had to consume, to get big and bulky again.He didn't like the way he felt and so he educated himself on the plant based diet.To me Hugh Jackman looks pretty healthy and very manly..don't tell my husband I said that!!!

Every plant based food contains some protein. Our body is able to built ''complete protein'' by absorbing the amino acids from different foods.


Contain a more complete set of amino acids than other plant-based food and they are high in iron, B vitamins and fiber. Try substituting beans in recipes that call for meat.


Whole grains are an excellent source of nutrition, as they contain essential enzymes, iron, dietary fiber, vitamin E, and the B-complex vitamins. Because the body absorbs grain slowly, they provide sustained and high quality energy. Try quinoa, a complete protein source, and super easy to make.


The best protein source in this category is hemp.Sprouting your nuts and seeds makes the protein extra easy for your body to absorb and also boosts the nutrient content.

Green Vegetables:

Nutritionally, greens are very high in protein, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E and K. They are crammed with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micro-nutrients and phyto-chemicals. Simply add to smoothies, salads or steam some broccoli, kale, bok choy, or cabbage.

Sea Vegetables:

As this planet’s singularly most nutritious food, sea vegetables contain protein and all of the minerals needed for health. With 10 to 20 times the minerals of land plants, plus the added punch of a range of vitamins, the addition of sea vegetables to your diet will help meet your nutritional needs.

Try to substitute some of these foods for meat and see how you feel.
Plants rock!!!!

Love and cookies


Ice cream rainbow-kinda!

Sweet summer is coming to an end! I am trying to enjoy the last couple of days or maybe even weeks(you never know in Chicago) of sunshine.This ice cream recipe is called Neopolitan but I just like the name rainbow ice cream better, because in my world rainbows are made out of vegan chocolate,vanilla and strawberry ice cream.
It is easy to make and it is delicious and nutritious.

3 bananas
1-1 1/2 cups almond or coconut milk
1 cup strawberries
1/4 cup cacao powder
1 tbsp alcohol free vanilla
A little bit of date syrup or coconut nectar (optional)

To make the different kinds of rainbow layers you have to be a little patient and freeze every layer at a time.
Blend strawberries and 1 banana with the nut milk and freeze in an airtight container.You will have to wait about two hours till the strawberry layer is frozen.
Blend 1 banana,vanilla and nut milk and add on top of the frozen strawberry layer..freeze again.
Then blend the last banana,nut milk and cacao powder and add on top of the banana layer..freeze everything overnight.
You can blend a little bit of sweetener to your different flavors if you like it sweet.I think the bananas give enough sweetnes.
To save time you can blend each layer up and put in separate containers.Stick them in the freezer for a few hours and when the layers are starting to freeze layer them on top of each other and put back in the freezer overnight.