Hope you guys all had a great 4th of July weekend.Mine was crazy busy,me and my husband had a lot of things planned..from house hunting to barbecues and parades it was all a lot of fun.And yes there was a lot of garbage food involved and even I ate some junk that my liver is still trying to get out of my system.I have to admit that I wasn't really prepared enough.We were on the road a lot and invited to parties where the food had a shelf life longer than my own and ingredients lists to die for..literally!!
I tried to pick the most healthiest options I could but white rice,popcorn and tacos don't really do the job to make me feel on top of my game.I still had my green smoothie every day and drank a lot of water to avoid further junk food hangovers.Tomorrow it is back to big salads,fresh fruit and green smoothies.
Here are my top 5 pseudo foods that you have to avoid if you want to be a healthy and happy person..all these foods are highly processed and / or pumped full of chemicals that get stored as fat and junk in your system.They will make you feel sluggish and sick.I don't even like to call those things food anymore...it is chemical garbage that I wouldn't give anybody to eat so why poison yourself with it.
L.A. meat.. all your favourite things like hot dogs,peperoni,bacon,ham and sausage are made out of L.A. meat, Lips and Ass.Stuff that the meat industry can't use for anything else will be processed into your favorite bacon or hot dogs and you scarf it down at a barbecue on a white bun or dip it in red high fructose corn syrup wannabe tomato ketchup.You are giving your body and acidic bath without an ounce of nutrition.Meat is high in saturated fat and will clog your arteries which will lead to heart disease and cancer.Processed meat contains sodium nitrite, a chemical which is used to give it the red color to make it look fresh. A 2005 University of Hawaii study found that processed meats increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67 percent. Another study revealed that every 50 grams of processed meat consumed daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 50 percent. Please dump the L.A. meat!!If you have to eat meat choose organic, grass fed beef or chicken which is minimally processed.
Milk products and eggs are almost in everything,especially in candies and cakes and sometimes it is very hard to avoid the white poison.Dairy causes allergies,mucus,inflammation,skin problems,ear infections and is even linked to asthma.It is pumped full of antibiotics and chemicals!!Dairy is junk,garbage,crap,dump it and you will feel a huge difference in your health.
If you consider how much sugar and processed food many people are eating on a regular basis, the prevalence of obesity and poor health shouldn’t be all that surprising. Sugar and refined carbohydrates are major ingredients in nearly all modern foods and they’re being consumed in record proportions. Many people are unaware of the associated risks and some people even believe that highly refined foods such as bread and pasta are healthy choices!People are so unaware of what they are doing to their health..breads,rice,cookies,cakes and so many other highly processed foods are a shock to your whole system.Your body doesn't know the difference between white bread and a slice of cake..all processed foods will send your pancreas into a shock.These pseudo foods can cause life altering health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, depression, heart disease, and cancer.I always get a little sad when I see people at the grocery store with carts full of white bread,pasta and packaged food which includes high fructose corn syrup,hydrogenated oils and other toxins.Everything that says enriched or bleached flour has been stripped from all its fiber and now acts like pure sugar in your body. Chose whole grains like quinoa,millet and fresh fruit and vegetables as your main staple and you don't have to worry about becoming diabetic.
Oh the white stuff,the crack that is in almost everything,from ketchup to chocolate,from bread to ice cream and so on...sugar is one off your biggest enemies when it comes to your health and sometimes the hardest thing to get rid off.The biggest sugar trap is soda...40 grams of sugar in a Pepsi,you might as well just eat it with a spoon right out of the sugar jar.Here are a few reasons why you should avoid the sweet stuff.
Sugar can suppress the immune system.
Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body
Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in childrenSugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection (infectious diseases).
Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function, the more sugar you eat, the more elasticity and function you loseSugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium leads to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, and rectum
Sugar can cause premature aging
Sugar can lead to alcoholismSugar can cause tooth decay
Sugar contributes to obesity
Never buy or eat anything that has more than 10 grams of sugar per serving.If you would like something sweet try to make it yourself and use natural sweeteners like date syrup or stevia.
Avoid all sodas, milk shakes, fruit juice and fruit drinks and greatly limit or totally eliminate caffeine and alcoholic beverages.One soda, no matter who makes it, is the most acidic beverage you can buy, with a pH of about 2.5, about the same as vinegar. Why does that matter? Acid oxidizes whatever it comes in contact with. If you put soda or vinegar on metal, it will rust it quickly.Our body constantly works on staying alkaline with a ph of about 7.3,with soda having a highly acidic ph you can only imagine what it does to our body.If you drink soda, which also contains high levels of phosphorous, you will leach calcium from your bones.It appears that increased soft drink consumption is a major factor that contributes to osteoporosis.Tooth loss, periodontal disease, and gingivitis can be problems, especially with a high phosphorus intake, particularly from soft drinks.So now we’ve got weak bones, weakened immune system, and dissolving teeth. What’s next? Weight gain!The relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so strong that researchers calculate that for each additional soda consumed, the risk of obesity increases 1.6 times.For those of you with a diet soda in your hands, the news isn’t any better, in fact it’s worse!One liter of an aspartame-sweetened beverage can produce about fifty-six milligrams of methanol. When several of these beverages are consumed in a short period of time (one day, perhaps), as much as two hundred fifty milligrams of methanol are dumped into the bloodstream, or thirty-two times the EPA limit. So, you’re poisoning your body, too.
With diet soda, you’ve gone from high calories to poisonous levels of methanal and an increased chance of developing cancer. Not a very good trade.
Then there’s the caffeine. Caffeine withdrawal can strike people who drink a single cup of strongly brewed coffee or drink caffeinated soft drinks every day-withdrawal symptoms include not only headache, but also fatigue, mild depression, muscle pain and stiffness, flu-like feelings, nausea and vomiting. Caffeine causes withdrawal with symptoms mimicking a flu and for women it makes PMS even worse. But could caffeine really jeopardize the future of the human race? Yes!A study on the relationship between caffeine and fertility found that… just one caffeinated soft drink per day was associated with a reduced monthly chance of conception of 50 percent.
Your body's an amazing machine with an extraordinary network of systems operating inside you right now. Healthy food provides the nutritional fuel necessary to keep you running smoothly and prevent breakdowns.
Love Jennifer
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