Hey all of you
How is your week going so far?I have to tell you..it is HOT in Chi-Town.It feels like Florida weather here hot and humid and it was about a 100 degrees today.I was lucky that I was able to spend a few hours with my friend at the pool, it was already late afternoon otherwise we would have fried in the sun.Make sure you all drink a lot of filtered or purified water to stay hydrated....please no soda!!!we will talk about that liquid poison another time.
I want to tell you guys something about raw foods, why it rocks and turns you into a glowing, healthy and energized bunny.It gives our cells,organs and brain everything it needs to stay healthy and happy.Raw foods are real foods from nature like fresh fruit,vegetables,nuts,seeds and also sprouted grains and legumes.Nothing in the raw food world is heated over 116 degrees because it destroys important enzymes in the food that are important for our digestion and our health.You get tons of vitamins, minerals,antioxidants, calcium, protein, phytonutrients and so much more from a raw food diet.When we eat uncooked foods our body knows exactly what to do with it and how to break it down and provide your body with the nutrients it needs.We have to stop counting calories and focus on real whole foods.If I would give people the choice between an avocado and a protein bar most of them would choose the protein bar because it has less calories and less fat.What they don't see is all the processed sugar, additives and chemical nonsense that is in it.If we choose to eat the avocado our body recognizes it and knows how to break it down,digest it quickly and it will exit our body easily.If we choose the bar our body thinks''This is sugar and chemicals I don't know what to do with that''.It will get stored as fat on our thighs and hips.We need to start thinking about where the food comes from and not how many carbs,fat grams or protein it has.
Raw foods are easy to digest and give you tons of energy.Did you know that almost 70 % of our energy is used for digestion!That is why so many of us have to take a nap after a big steak and potato meal or feel like they just got hit by a truck.Meat sometimes rottens weeks in our digestive tract, put some cheese on top and you have the perfect disaster meal for your body.If I say raw food I mean vegan raw foods.There are a few people who eat raw animal products like cheese and beef.. NO THANK YOU unless you want to end up the hospital with food poisoning.
There are a lot of different views on the raw food diet, like if it is best to eat a high fruit or a high fat(nuts,avocados,oils) diet and that you can only get benefits from it if you eat 100% raw foods.I honestly believe that everything to extreme is bad for you!I can say from my own experience that if you get to hung up on things you can go crazy and an unhealthy mind is worse for you than a little sugary treat every once in a while.I love raw foods and try to eat as much as I can.I have a green smoothie for breakfast, fruit as a snack and most of the time a huge veggie salad for lunch.For dinner I enjoy a whole foods plant based dinner with lots of greens.You can't eat to many greens and fruit...nobody ever got sick or obese from natural plant foods.Raw plants keep you alkaline which is the most importand thing.If our bodies are alkaline we stay healthy just being slightly acid could cause us getting sick or even disease could thrive.We are what we eat and a lot of our diseases are preventable or can be cured.It is our lifestyle that makes us sick.We don't have bad genes,we just have bad eating habits.There is a great book called''becoming raw''which explains the history and science behind raw foods and why they rock.
So the next time you reach for the high protein bar ask yourself if the apple might be the better choice.
Love and raw foods
How is your week going so far?I have to tell you..it is HOT in Chi-Town.It feels like Florida weather here hot and humid and it was about a 100 degrees today.I was lucky that I was able to spend a few hours with my friend at the pool, it was already late afternoon otherwise we would have fried in the sun.Make sure you all drink a lot of filtered or purified water to stay hydrated....please no soda!!!we will talk about that liquid poison another time.
I want to tell you guys something about raw foods, why it rocks and turns you into a glowing, healthy and energized bunny.It gives our cells,organs and brain everything it needs to stay healthy and happy.Raw foods are real foods from nature like fresh fruit,vegetables,nuts,seeds and also sprouted grains and legumes.Nothing in the raw food world is heated over 116 degrees because it destroys important enzymes in the food that are important for our digestion and our health.You get tons of vitamins, minerals,antioxidants, calcium, protein, phytonutrients and so much more from a raw food diet.When we eat uncooked foods our body knows exactly what to do with it and how to break it down and provide your body with the nutrients it needs.We have to stop counting calories and focus on real whole foods.If I would give people the choice between an avocado and a protein bar most of them would choose the protein bar because it has less calories and less fat.What they don't see is all the processed sugar, additives and chemical nonsense that is in it.If we choose to eat the avocado our body recognizes it and knows how to break it down,digest it quickly and it will exit our body easily.If we choose the bar our body thinks''This is sugar and chemicals I don't know what to do with that''.It will get stored as fat on our thighs and hips.We need to start thinking about where the food comes from and not how many carbs,fat grams or protein it has.
Raw foods are easy to digest and give you tons of energy.Did you know that almost 70 % of our energy is used for digestion!That is why so many of us have to take a nap after a big steak and potato meal or feel like they just got hit by a truck.Meat sometimes rottens weeks in our digestive tract, put some cheese on top and you have the perfect disaster meal for your body.If I say raw food I mean vegan raw foods.There are a few people who eat raw animal products like cheese and beef.. NO THANK YOU unless you want to end up the hospital with food poisoning.
There are a lot of different views on the raw food diet, like if it is best to eat a high fruit or a high fat(nuts,avocados,oils) diet and that you can only get benefits from it if you eat 100% raw foods.I honestly believe that everything to extreme is bad for you!I can say from my own experience that if you get to hung up on things you can go crazy and an unhealthy mind is worse for you than a little sugary treat every once in a while.I love raw foods and try to eat as much as I can.I have a green smoothie for breakfast, fruit as a snack and most of the time a huge veggie salad for lunch.For dinner I enjoy a whole foods plant based dinner with lots of greens.You can't eat to many greens and fruit...nobody ever got sick or obese from natural plant foods.Raw plants keep you alkaline which is the most importand thing.If our bodies are alkaline we stay healthy just being slightly acid could cause us getting sick or even disease could thrive.We are what we eat and a lot of our diseases are preventable or can be cured.It is our lifestyle that makes us sick.We don't have bad genes,we just have bad eating habits.There is a great book called''becoming raw''which explains the history and science behind raw foods and why they rock.
So the next time you reach for the high protein bar ask yourself if the apple might be the better choice.
Love and raw foods
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