Besides not getting enough exercise and being inside the whole day a lot of children get bored and all they do is eat junk food,like candy, chips and all kinds of processed foods.And the worsted thing is that nobody teaches them how to listen to their bodies and stop when there are full.They don't even have regular mealtimes where the family sits together and has a nice healthy meal, talk about their day and connects as a family.It breaks my heart when I see children stuffing themselves with junk foods,like hot dogs,Cheetos and mac and cheese and nobody thinks that there is anything wrong with it.Parents wonder why their children get sick,have ear infections,are cranky all the time or have rashes all over their bodies..They never ask themselves if the food they give to them might have anything to do with it.It is always the weather or germs that get blamed.How are their little bodies supposed to deal with all those antibiotics and hormones that they put in animal products like milk,which a lot of children drink half a gallon every day.How can they function if all they get are sugary artificial flavoured drinks and snacks with as many as 50 ingredients in one cereal bar.Are u kidding me??
I was watching a show the other day with the title''Is feeding your children junk food considered child abuse?''I honestly think that it is a lack of education and that parents just don't know.They think white pasta and yogurt is healthy and giving your child a bowl of fruit loops with milk is a nourishing breakfast.I don't think it is child abuse but parents have to realize if they give their children garbage food to eat, sooner or later it will catch up to them and they will end up with heart disease, diabetes and obesity. So toss the sugary snacks and give your children fruit and veggies for a happy and healthy long life!!
Peace and veggies
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