I would like to share my journey to a SWEET and HEALTHY LIFE.I strongly believe in the holistic way of healing and hope that one day we will all understand that the big secret lies in plant based nutrition,bootylicious workouts and sweet happy thoughts.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sugar for my honey and my money..
As you might recognize I changed my blog name into SWEET HEALTHY LIFE.
Why?I think life is sweet as cookies and cakes..but we all have to stay healthy to enjoy it
I love desserts,especially healthy raw vegan desserts.I have always been a sugar addict,no not fries,not burgers...sweet sugary yummy bad for you things like donuts,cakes,pies and of course chocolate.I could eat chocolate all day and night,if there would be a chocolate shower I would be the first one jumping into it every morning.And of course I would take a chocolate bath at night!!
But guess what white sugar is bad for you,there is nothing about it, that makes your life sweeter,it makes you sick,obese,it gives you bad teeth and it even ages you.But not all sugars are created equal,there are some great healthy alternatives out there,which even have some health benefits to it.
My favorite natural sweetener is DATES and DATE SYRUP.I use them in all of my raw desserts,if I need to add a liquid sweetener I blend a cup of dates with 2 cups of water and make date syrup.It is one of the most natural sweeteners you can get.Dates are one of the best natural sources of potassium. Potassium is an essential mineral your body needs to maintain muscle contractions including the vital heart muscle. Potassium is needed to maintain a healthy nervous system and to balance the body’s metabolism as well. Dates also contain a variety of B-complex vitamins – thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 and pantothenic acid. These vitamins have a variety of functions that help maintain a healthy body – to metabolize carbohydrates and maintain blood glucose levels, fatty acids for energy, and they help make hemoglobin, the red and white blood cells. Dates also contain Magnesium which is essential for healthy bone development and for energy metabolism and Iron which is essential to red blood cell production. Red blood cells carry all the nutrients to cells throughout the body.
Date tree
Coconut nectar ingredients include an abundant source of minerals, 17 amino acids, Vitamin C, B Vitamins, naturally contains a prebiotic and it has a nearly neutral pH. Raw coconut sap is grown without chemicals, pesticides or herbicides and the process does not require heating and extensive processing as do other syrups such as maple and agave.
Yes I know,honey is not vegan and some of you might not like me anymore but raw honey has amazing health benefits.Raw honey is the concentrated nectar of flowers that comes straight from the extractor; it is the only unheated, pure, unpasteurized, unprocessed honey. Honey’s nutritional profile is primarily carbohydrates, water, vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals include: niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.
The following lists some of the health benefits of raw honey
-Excellent source of antioxidants. Flavinoid pinocembrin is unique to honey, which optimizes health benefits; whereas, pinostrobin supports and promotes healthy enzyme activity.
-In sports and endurance, honey can provide 17 grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon, and can be an inexpensive alternative to commercial sports gels.
-Supports "good bacteria" like Bifidobacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, which is essential for efficient digestion and good health. Honey contains pre/pro biotic that help the growth and activity of Bifidobacteria because it is an alkaline-forming food, and is similar to ingredients found in fruits. It doesn’t ferment in the stomach and it can be used to counteract indigestion.
-Raw honey has inherent anti-fungal properties, can treat allergies by promoting a strong immune system, and has powerful anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.
-Aging is the slow depletion of enzymes from the body, and raw honey is one of the few foods that can be ingested to get a surplus of amalase. Amlase is the enzyme that breaks down sugars and carbohydrates. It can restore damaged skin to give softer, younger look.
Pure maple syrup contains significant amounts of both zinc, an immune supporter and helpful to male reproductive health, and manganese, which is good for bone health.The sugars in maple syrup are absorbed more slowly by the body than refined sugar.
Maple syrup grades have nothing to do with quality or nutrition. Instead, they simply refer to the color of the syrup, and thus, its flavor.
The lightest and mildest syrups, which are generally harvested at the beginning of the season, are called "fancy grade A" or sometimes "grade A light amber"; At the middle of the spectrum are "grade A medium amber" and "grade A dark amber."
Finally, there's "grade B", the dark, thick syrup that packs a strong maple punch with caramel undertones.
Just make sure you buy the real thing, pure organic maple syrup and nothing else.
Then there is AGAVE
I know that agave is very popular and common in desserts that are called healthy.The problem with agave is that it is processed at high temperatures.The process by which agave glucose and inulin are converted into ''nectar'' is similar to the process by which corn starch is converted into HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP.That is all I need to know!!
I hope you guys enjoy the sweet life!!!
love and cookies
Wheaton, IL, USA
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