I hear it all the time..eating healthy is so expensive and I can't afford to buy organic!
I understand the frustration that a lot of people feel, if you can buy a burger and fries at Mc Donald for a dollar each and to nosh some salad you have to spend three times the money.But eating healthy doesn't have to break your bank!Here are some money saving tips on eating healthy and vegan on a budget.
-Buy in Bulk
Beans,rice,nuts and seeds are all cheaper if you buy them in the bulk section of your health food store or Whole Foods.You can buy a pound of beans for just a little over a dollar, while a pound of beef will cost you way more.Add some tomatoes,veggies and spices to your protein packed super beans and you can whip up a big pot of veggie chili, that will last for a couple of days.
-Stay Away from Processed Foods
It is the packaged processed food that really burns a whole in your wallet.If you compare a package of cereal with some oatmeal from the bulk section you will be able to stretch your dollar way further by buying the oatmeal.The same goes with frozen meals,cookies,crackers and chips!
The more junk food you eat,the more you want it and the more you will buy it.If you eat a wholesome meal your body will get all the nutrients it needs and you will be less likely to spend your money on another junk food binge.It doesn't matter if it is Vegan,processed food is junk and expensive!
-Cook at Home
Yes I know,so many of you don't have time to prepare and chop tons of veggies at home and prepare a from scratch meal every day.Think ahead!Prepare a big pot of rice or pasta at the beginning of the week and toss it with veggies,tempeh and add your favourite sauce whenever the hunger strikes.Have curry veggie rice one day and Italian style pasta the next.You can make pasta salad or wrap the rice in a taco with some beans and guacamole for a hearty meal.Have a big salad with it and you are good to go.
Think about how much you spend on take out food and restaurants a month.You will save so much money, if you prepare your own food and you will actually know what it is you are eating!
-Shop in Season
Don't buy strawberries and pineapple in the wintertime!!! Out of season fruits and vegetables have to travel a long way and are tough on your wallet.
Buy local, and buy fruit and veggies that are in season, this way you will support your budget and mother nature will thank you.
-Buy at the Farmers Market
Organic food at the Farmers Market is often way cheaper than it is at the store.You will have an impact on the environment,the local farmers and your bank account.
-Buy Frozen Fruit and Veggies
Frozen fruit and vegetables are good alternatives to fresh produce.They are often cheaper than their fresh brothers and sisters and if they are flash frozen right after picking they will keep their nutritional value.This way you have the possibility to buy some strawberries in the wintertime-if you have too (-;
And Last but Not Least
-Think about the Future...
If you consider that meat and dairy foods clog your body with saturated fat, growth hormones and antibiotics, things that have been conclusively linked to cancer, heart disease, and obesity, it is certainly a lot less expensive -- and less painful -- to prevent diseases through your food choices than it is to treat them later (through bypass surgery or angioplasty, for example, which can run up tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills).
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