Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jen's Chia Pudding

Chia is an edible seed that comes from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family that grows abundantly in southern Mexico.Chia is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, even more so than flax seeds. And it has another advantage over flax: chia is so rich in antioxidants that the seeds don't deteriorate and can be stored for long periods without becoming rancid. And, unlike flax, they do not have to be ground to make their nutrients available to the body. Chia seeds also provide fiber as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, niacin, and zinc.
When added to water and allowed to sit for 30 minutes, chia forms a gel. Researchers suggest that this reaction also takes place in the stomach, slowing the process by which digestive enzymes break down carbohydrates and convert them into sugar.
Chia has a nut like flavor. Even Trader Joes carries them now. They are on my love list right now. This recipe is perfect for breakfast and if you have constipation it will definitely clean you out.

Jen's Chia Pudding

4 Tbs chia seeds

1 banana

1 granny smith apple

1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg

1 tbsp vanilla

Filtered water

Fresh berries

Blend banana, apples, spices and vanilla with enough water to make a smoothie.

Pour mixture over the chia seeds and fresh berries and let soak for about 20 minutes in the fridge.

After letting sit stir pudding to break up clumps.

The mixture will be semisolid, as the chia seeds will have soaked up all the liquid. Top with

chopped fruit, raisins or unsweetend coconut.

Love and Cookies


Serenity, Courage, Wisdom

I am writing this post on behalf of my beautiful, amazing, smart friend Angie! I am so thankful every day,that she was send into my life. Love ya Girl!!!

God gave me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change,
Courage to change the things I can
and Wisdom to know the difference.

This little prayer is my life, the words I live by. It makes perfect sense to me, I guess that is why I have it tattooed on my spine. Serenity-Courage-Wisdom.

I believe in staying peaceful and calm, happy with yourself and always trying to look at the big picture in life. There will always be situations and people in your life that will shake you, make you mad and angry. It will try to break you, make you act foolish and bitter. It will bring you to tears and makes you wanna fight with your fists, it will break you down and will try to defeat you. Never ever let the devil get a foothold and never ever let the sun go down and go to bed angry.

No matter what an amazing person you are, even bad things happen to good people. Big situations like getting really sick or a family member dying and smaller things like a car breaking down or a break -up. The question is- How do you handle it?! Are you going to give up, and let it defeat you or are you going to wipe your tears, get up and fight for what you believe in. Don't ever underestimate the power of your mind. It all starts with the thoughts you have and that you truly believe that you can do it. You know how I always say, ''You are what you eat''! Well, you are what you think, just as much, if not even more. Our mind and our thoughts control everything.

Life is like a rollercoaster, we have good times and bad times. How will we ever be able to appreciate the good times, if we never experience the bad.

I want everybody to remember that there is a reason for everything in life, every breath you take, every move you make( that sounds like a song, hello Sting and The Police ), is meant for something great. You are meant for something great. God put you on this earth to fulfill your purpose. He knows your story, your weaknesses and strenghts, he knows every thought before you do and he gave you the amazing ability to fight for what you believe in and stand your ground no matter what!

Now I don't care if you believe in God, Buddha, Alla or just a higher power. But I care that you have faith! When hardship will hit you, and it will, you have to pray, believe and never give up hope that good times will come. There is a lesson behind every bad time and you will only come out stronger. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, is reality!

I believe that God only gives you as much as you can carry.Some people are meant to carry more hardships than others. Some people are born with stronger spirits and they still always get back up, no matter how hard life hits them. This too shall pass! Another wise quote. Life is too beautiful to give up on it, life is too precious not to live your dreams, life is too much fun not to giggle, laugh and be silly until your tummy hurts.
Life is too short for tears, pain and haters. Life is too short for superficial things and mean, angry people. Life is too short to compare yourself to others.

We all have our talents, we are all unique in our own way. Nobody will ever know everything. Even though I wish I could(-:
Don't compare yourself to other people, you don't know their stories. You don't walk in their shoes. If we would put all the problems of the world on one pile, we would fight to get our own back! Appreciate your blessings every day and learn from your mistakes.

Don't let anybody ever tell you, what to do, how to look, what to say and how to act. Listen to your inner guide, your strenght. It is your life, take in every second, losen up and go for it.

Love and Cookies
